My Hoverboard is dead. How long would it take to charge?

A dead hoverboard battery takes approximately 2 to 3 hours to recharge. The advanced and higher-end hoverboard models get charged in 1.5 hours. However, the older models take four hours to get fully charged.

How Long Does it Take to Charge a Hoverboard for the First Time?

Before you get the answer to how long does it take to charge a hoverboard for the first time, you should know one thing.

The time taken by your hoverboard to charge will depend on the type of battery added to it and the brand/model you got. Most manuals say that it should take about three hours to charge it for the first time.

First Charge

Every device will come with a charging cable, and you need to plug in into a power source. Then you should put the charging point in the charging slot and see your device come alive. You must remember to ensure that it’s fully charged for the first time.

After that, you might opt for quick charges if and when needed.Can not wait to try your hoverboard? Read our guide: how to ride a hoverboard for the first time.

Hoverboard Charging Instructions

If you do not want to watch video, you can follow detailed steps for how to charge a hoverboard as below:

  1. Make sure that the self-balancing scooter is switched off by pressing and holding the power
  1. Check that none of the pins in the charging port are damaged or They should line up perfectly.
  2. The next step is to line up the groove on your charging cable with a groove on the charging
  3. Carefully insert the charging cable into the port while ensuring that the pins are inserted in the right
  4. In most cases, the light present on the charging adaptor will turn red to indicate that the board is charging. In some boards, there will be no light to indicate whether it’s charging so you shouldn’t panic if the red light isn’t

Again, these are the normal indicators. If you have bought a unique product that does not have these indicators, you shouldn’t worry. Just read the user manual to know about the key indicators.

How Long Will the Charging Process Take?

In most cases, if you buy a top brand, the process would take about two or three hours. It is advised that you don’t overcharge your hoverboard as it might deteriorate the battery lifespan.

When the battery is full, a green light will appear, and then you should disconnect the charger and get ready to go. You should also remember that a large device will need to be charged more than a smaller one.

After all, size does matter.

How Long Does a Hoverboard Battery Last?

The standard answer to this question is that it can last anytime between two to six hours. If you want to test the battery life by yourself, make sure your hoverboard is full charged,If you are planning to go a long way, we suggest that you keep an extra pack of battery in your bag(you need to learn how to change battery). It will ensure your fun never halts.

Apart from the device model and brand, some other factors determine how long the battery will last. They are mentioned right here for your perusal.

  1. It will depend heavily on what surface you are riding For instance, smoothness, incline or steepness of the surface. Riding on flat road will last longer than on grass, gravel, carpet and sand.
  2. It will depend on the weight of a
  3. Sometimes, the battery drains down faster in hot
  4. It also depends largely on how you handle the
  5. The capacity of the battery is also a big factor, standard capacity is 4AH for most hoverboard(6.5inch hoverboard, Lamborghini hoverboard, hummer hoverboard and 10inch hoverboard) .
  6. It will also depend on how often you start or stop the board.

In normal conditions, most models can travel about 8 -20 miles on a single charge. Remember to shut down the device when you take a break or when you are not riding to save battery.

Are Hoverboard Explosions for Real?

Yes, there have been reports of hoverboard explosions from different parts of the world. They usually happen if you buy a cheap device that has low-quality batteries.

As you may hear many fire accidents happened at night, it is suggested not to charge hoverboard overnight without people watching. Any board that costs less than $150 might pose a risk. You are also at risk if the battery does not have any certification.

So, you should learn from such incidents and never buy a cheap as dirt self-balancing scooter. After all, the money saving is not worth your life and health, is it?

How Do You Know When Your Hoverboard is Dying?

Flashing of a red light usually indicates that your hoverboard is dying and it’s time to charge it.

You can not ride the board normally when it is in low battery level, some devices start flashing in just 60 minutes of a good ride while some last for three or four hours. So, keep this factor in mind while buying a new device for yourself or a loved one.

How to Charge Hoverboard Without Charger?

Some users have reported that they can charge the self-balancing scooter without a real charger. If you have lost or damaged your charger, you can try any of these tricks and see if they work for your model as well.

1.     Make use of a laptop or computer charger

Yes, many users have achieved success in charging their scooters with a laptop or computer charger. You can give it a shot as well.

2.     Move it forward and backward

Another trick is to put the scooter on a flat surface and move it forward and backward. Some hoverboards may get charged this way.

3.     Turn it off and on

Some users have also tried turning it on and off to ensure that the battery life extends for a while.

We hope that you now have the answer to how long does it take to charge a hoverboard perfectly. It is also hoped that you will find the

information in this article useful to enjoy a long and pleasant ride on your scooter.


In conclusion, a hoverboard is the best device to travel a short distance. It is immensely popular among teenagers hence its value in the market has increased.

All the hoverboards now come with an advanced battery system that charges quickly. The working time also increased. The average charging time of any hoverboard is 3 hours however new battery hoverboards can charge within 1.5 hours.

Always compare prices and features before buying a hoverboard. If buying online then always look for the return period first.

Charging a hoverboard is a whole new topic, and the most asked questions related to hoverboards are asked about their battery, charging, and safety. Like can I charge my hoverboard overnight? Is it safe? Or how to properly charge for a long-lasting battery? And many other related questions. So that is why I have gathered a few most common hoverboard charging & battery questions, and I’m going to discuss them one by one.

You can’t charge a hoverboard overnight because a hoverboard’s battery can be fully charged in 2-3 hours. If you are charging it when it is full, then you may be overcharging it. The battery can be heated, catch fire, and may explode if it is left overnight. 

Now you know that you can’t charge your hoverboard overnight. It will increase the risk of exploding. But, do you know how to charge it correctly? And if you don’t charge it in the right way, what can happen? Let’s discuss these things and explore more about hoverboards.

What Happens When We Charge Hoverboard Overnight

The night is about 7 to 12 hours long, and an average hoverboard can be fully charged in 2 to 3 hours. If a device is fully charged, would you be willing to charge it more? Of course not. Because charging for an extended period of time will not give you extra battery backup.

Similarly, hoverboard batteries work the same way as other devices’ batteries. They are not meant to be overcharged. There is no benefit in doing it. Instead, it can be very dangerous.

Following are the details of what can happen if we charge a hoverboard overnight.

Decrease In Battery Backup

Overcharging may cause a decrease in battery backup. A battery has various cells that can store a small amount of current. And these multiple cells jointly hold a decent amount of current.

But individually, a battery cell is fragile and weak. When we leave our device on charging for long hours regularly and overcharge, it can burn the battery cells and lead to lower battery backup.

Battery makers produce a battery with a specific amount of charging cells. When some cells are dead or burned, the battery will be charged less in time and provide a lesser battery backup.

Also Read: How To Make Your Hoverboard Battery Last Longer?


If you are regularly overcharging the battery, it may cause the battery to overheat. As I have stated above, overcharging can kill battery cells.

When there are fewer cells in a battery to store current, but you still charge it. It is like putting an extra amount of weight on a weak body. What do you think will the body bear the excess weight?

I know your answer will be No. Similarly, a weak and overcharged batter can’t hold that much amount of current. It results in the battery overheating.

Battery Can Catch Fire

Hoverboards have Lithium-Ion batteries. It contains highly flammable materials that can easily catch fire. When a battery starts overheating, there are high chances that those flammable materials can catch fire.

Once a battery catches fire, it may not only burn the entire hoverboard. But, it can be dangerous for the property and the people too.

Hoverboard Explosion

A weak & dangerous battery can easily catch fire due to overheating, and this causes the hoverboard explosion. There are many incidents where the hoverboard exploded due to the weak battery and harmed the property.

So, never charge a hoverboard overnight because it will overcharge the battery. And an overcharged battery can act like a bomb. It will be harmful to the hoverboard, your property, and of course you.

How To Safely Charge A Hoverboard?

Safely charging a hoverboard is very important because it can increase both the hoverboard and the battery life. Below are the tips that you can follow and charge your hoverboard safely.

  • Turn off the hoverboard.
  • Plug the charger into an electric socket
  • Turn on the socket switch
  • Plug the other end of the charger into the hoverboard’s charging port
  • Please wait for a few seconds; your hoverboard’s lights indicate that it’s getting charged
  • Now keep visiting your hoverboard after every hour to check if everything is alright
  • Usually, hoverboards get fully charged in 2-3 hours. But, there is a particular indication of when it is fully charged.
  • Unplug the charger after your hoverboard is fully charged

This is a safe way to charge your hoverboard or any other electronic device. There are indicators on every device that resembles low, charging, and fully charged conditions. You can learn them from your device’s user manual.

How To Make Your Hoverboard’s Battery Last Longer?

Below are some simple but effective tips that can help you make your hoverboard’s battery last longer.

  1. Never overcharge your hoverboard.
  2. Always use the charger that comes with the device. Or the charger that is recommended by the product’s user manual
  3. Always fully charge it before going for a ride.
  4. Never leave your fully charged hoverboard for a long time. If you fully charge it, use it for a little time, and then you can leave it.
  5. Don’t push the limits. Immediately turn it off after a low battery indication.
  6. Keep the hoverboard in a cool room.
  7. Never leave your fully charged hoverboard in front of sunlight for a long time.


I have discussed some of the most common questions about hoverboard batteries and their charging. I hope you have got the answers to all of your questions, like charging a hoverboard overnight and what happens when you overcharge it. Moreover, I have provided you with the best way to charge a hoverboard for long-lasting battery life.

These were the most common queries of almost every hoverboard owner. So, enjoy reading the article and if you have any other related questions. You can tell me in the comment section. I will quickly respond to your query with the best answer or solution. 


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