How to tell landlord about ESA Reddit

Hey guys, not sure if I'm in the right place but I recently got ESA status for my cat Monty. I'm planning to bring him up to my no-pets apartment complex and am wondering how exactly I inform the landlord (tips or recommendations welcomed) or what steps I need to take in that regard. I have his vaccine records and the letter from my therapist. Am I missing anything or am I overthinking this?

Location Pennsylvania (Beaver county)

Hello guys,

I suffer from depression and anxiety. I moved into an apartment that says no pets thinking I would be okay emotionally because I was living with my boyfriend now but I was wrong. I am really struggling without my cat. I got an ESA letter from my doctor. My boyfriend and I are both on the lease that runs from July 2018-2019. We already moved in on June 18th and the landlord prorated the rent for June but is starting the official lease on July 1st. I would like to know the proper steps of presenting him with this letter. I have done my research regarding a landlord having to allow the ESA. We are in a building that has 5 units. It used to be one large home but was converted into the 5 apartments. He does not live on the property.

Am I able to just mail him this letter? I do not do well with confrontation but I know that this is something that I need to do. Please let me know the steps to take to get this taken care of legally so I do not get evicted for breaking the lease.


EDIT: Thanks for all the input guys! I'll be sending him the letter certified mail and then calling him a few days after he gets it to discuss.

Hey, so... i have my Esa dog, and he has been my esa for a few months now, but i wasn't putting him on my apartment applications because all of the ones he was on where just ignored by the rental agencies. So i finally got approved and am signing the leased here soon. It isn't with an agency and the guy owns the land himself and all, and the property is no pets, { i tried really hard to find one that aloud pets it just wasn't happening ;-; } I want to be straight forward with him about my esa so i don't get on bad terms with him, but i am afraid he will find a way to prevent me from signing the lease if i tell him beforehand, and i don't want to tick him off by telling him after i sign... you know? I really want this place to work out seeing as i have been looking for 4 months now... i am afraid to tell him before i sign but am afraid telling him after will cause problems... I got my dog with the sole intention of him being my esa... {seeing as my current place accepts dogs i didn't really need him to be an esa for living situations, but just because i actually need one .-.}

TLDR; i want to know if my new landlord can keep me from signing the lease for a no pet property{i have already been approved} if i tell him about my esa right before i sign, {Trying to keep as good of a relationship with landlord as possible}

Hi all, I'm currently apartment hunting and wondering when would be the right time to disclose to a landlord that I have my ESA. He is a 50lb cur mix according to the vet. Unfortunately pretty much all of the 1 bed/studio apartments in my area are not pet friendly. I'm tempted to wait until after I have an application approved, before the lease starts but I don't want the rug pulled out from under me. Edit: toured the apartments just now. Some tenants already had cats so I asked about pets and ESAs and the manager said he was willing to work with me. I lucked out, he was really nice.

When and How (politely) do I tell someone about my ESA (or SD), especially if they do not want pets?

I am looking to move to a small town and will probably rent from a private owner, or at least in a smaller apartment. What is the best way to inform them of my ESA if they listed that they don’t want pets? I don’t want to be rude or have a bad relationship with them in the long run, but I am not finding many places that allow pets explicitly.

I’m going to be moving to a new apt complex in a couple months, and would like to tell the landlord about my esa after I sign the lease because I’m worried they’ll find some random reason to deny me if I tell them before. Is that okay? Also my esa letter is from a therapist, and it worked for my current apts, but is it supposed to be from a doctor?

[A little background that hopefully will help.] I signed my lease in August of 2019 and did not get my ESA until March 2020. I am a senior in college but am taking another year so I am going to resign my lease. I have been seeing a licensed professional for a little over 5 years and she thought it perfect for me to get a dog to help alongside my treatment. (And it really has, especially being quarantined and all that super fun stuff.)

However, I am not sure when/ if I have to send my letter over to my landlord. This isn't like a normal apartment, it's a college one (obviously). I did not have to fill out an application or anything. I am going to resign later this week and not sure if I should bring it to them or not. I've read legally they are not allowed to evict me or charge a pet fine (since they are a no-pet apartment complex).

But I guess I am just confused as to when I notify them of this since I did not have my ESA when I signed but rather got her later on. I haven't been able to find anything about people getting an ESA after moving in and cannot seem to find any legal advice online.

Any help is appreciated, thank you!

Hi I already got approved to live in an apartment and last step is to sign the lease. I have an ESA and understand that under the fair housing act that

There is no Fair Housing mandate to disclose an ESA at the time you apply for an apartment. Landlords are also obligated to consider an ESA request from a tenant whenever they receive it.

However, reading the lease description on pets it seems they want us to disclose before signing?

“PETS: No pets are permitted without the prior written consent of the Landlord. Any such consent may be revoked at any time, with or without cause, by giving ten (10) days' written notice. Except to the extent written permission is    given, pets may not be brought upon the Premises, whether such pets belong to Resident(s) or to any other person. The presence of any pets as to which written permission has not been given  and  is not currently in  force, even if    such pets are "just visiting,"  shall be deemed a    material and incurable breach of this Lease and shall be cause for the service of a   three-day notice terminating the tenancy. This policy does not apply to accommodation or service animals. A    disabled individual who requires an animal in order to be able to use and enjoy thePremises or the Property should contact Landlord, before bringing the animal onto the Premises, and request an accommodation to this lease provision. All accommodation requests will be processed in accordance with applicable laws.”

I am looking at moving, the place I am most interested in says “NO PETS! NO PETS!” in their description. I have a legitimate ESA letter from my doctor but I am afraid the landlord would reject my offer and look for someone else if i mentioned the pet before signing the lease. With that said, am I required to tell the landlord about my pet before signing the lease?