How to report something on roblox

Roblox is a great platform for fun and sharing games but also an environment full of abuse by players who are cheating or do not respect the rules.

For this reason, Roblox has implemented tools to help you report any inappropriate behavior by allowing you to send reports on any misrepresentation or misconduct by players, in-game, in-chat, even on a game and anything else that is abnormal throughout the Roblox site.

Here are some examples of abuse that should be reported and are part of Roblox’s report form category: Profanity, Bullying, Harassment, Discrimination, Dating, Exploitation, Cheating, Scamming, Phishing, Hacking, Trading, Account theft, Inappropriate content, Threats…

Please, don’t hesitate to click on the Report abuse button to help Roblox report center clean up its platform from anything that annoys you and other players, and which makes its platform against your needs and against their objectives.

➲Report a problem on Roblox.

➲Report if someone is trying to give you a sweet prize or free Robux in exchange for your account details. Do not offer other users Robux or items for experiments, as Roblox has no official method of buying or selling experiments.

➲Report scammer.

➲Report anyone who claims to work for Roblox while it is not true.

There is a way to identify if a member works for Roblox or not.

✔From his profile

Any Roblox staff member has the Roblox Admin badge in his badge list. To know which badge it is:

-> Choose a member and go to his/her profile description, It is indicated in “About“.

✔In the game

Click on “Players“. Roblox member will be marked with a slanted square icon (Roblox logo).

At the same time, always keep in touch with Roblox rules. Here are some general Roblox rules to always remember:

➲Never switch Roblox account or give or get the password of any Roblox account, it remains unique, secret and confidential.

➲Be careful with your language when writing a message or in chat, it shouldn’t include any bad words, otherwise you will be warned about this act and maybe banned from the Roblox platform.

Now let’s see how to report any violation on the Roblox site.

👉To report abuse by one

While everything was fine when you made a friend request, or you received it, it happens that a friend on your list tricks you and you should remove him from your list and report him or her to Roblox.

To do so, proceed as follows:

-> Visit your friend’s profile and go to “About“.

-> Click on “Report Abuse“, slightly down on the right side.

-> Select the type of abuse in the report page that opens.

-> Add more details in the Description field (It’s optional).

-> Click on “Report Abuse” to send your report once completed.

👉To report abuse by a

The most abuse reported to Roblox platform is during the games, as this is where all the players meet, contract and argue. Some players come in just to disturb the other players. This kind of report is mostly settled right away, and the bad players will be banned from the game as a result of their acts.

To report the improper actions of these players, do the following:

-> Select the “Report” tab where there is a small flag next to it.

-> Select the “Player” tab (Person as the report is made over a player).

-> Find and select the player’s username that you want to report.

-> Select the type of abuse from the list.

-> Add more details in the Description field if you want to.

Or you can send your report in another way:

-> select the “Flag” icon next to a player’s name (Next to each player, there is this report flag).

-> Select the type of abuse from the list.-> Add more details in the Description field if you want to.

-> Select “Submit” once completed.

👉To report abuse by any 

Roblox doesn’t make a difference between its members, whether they are players, staff or anyone else. Everyone has to respect the guidelines, it’s a circle that surrounds all members in the same rules. Therefore, you can report the offenses of anyone easily as follows:

-> Select any member.

-> Go to his/her profile description which can be found in “About“.

-> Select the type of abuse in the report page that opens.

-> Add more details in the Description field (It’s optional).

-> Click on “Report Abuse” to send your report once completed.

👉To report violation in the chat

The chat is not excluded from the abuse report in Roblox as bad players send messages with insults or abusive words that are fortunately hidden by the signs ####.

To stop these abusive messages, do the following:

-> Go to chat.

-> Select a member username with whom you will report the chat.

-> A window opens with chat details.

-> Click on three dots next to the member’s name.

-> Click on Report and Report again.

-> Complete the report abuse form.

-> Select the type of abuse in the report page that opens.

-> Add more details in the Description field (It’s optional).

-> Click on “Report Abuse” to send your report once completed.

👉To report abuse of a game

Roblox games are full of troubles like any other game field and maybe more as they are more popular and dominant in the game world.
You can report any problem in games that freeze, don’t open, are unresponsive…or kick you out of the game unexpectedly.

➦Report abuse of a game while you are playing it

-> Select the “Report” tab where there is a small flag next to it.

-> Select the “game” tab (Experience as the report is made over a game).

-> Type of abuse is automatically “inappropriate content“.

-> Add more details in the Description field if you want to.
-> Select “Submit” once completed.

➦Report abuse of a game when you’re not playing

-> Chose the game that you want to report.

-> Go to its description which is located at “About“.

-> Complete your Roblox report game.

-> Type of abuse is “inappropriate content“.

-> Add more details in the Description field (It’s optional).

-> Click on “Report Abuse” to send your report once completed.

👉To report abuse of an

As you can report almost anything on the Roblox platform, do the following if you want to report a shirt, game pass or model.

-> Select the three-dot button in the upper right corner of the item.

-> Select “Report Item“.

-> Complete the report item form as previously explained.

👉To report an offensive Ad

Advertisements can be offensive to you, and you have the right to report it too in this way:

-> Go to advertising banner that you want to report.

-> Complete the report abuse form as previously explained.

Conclusion: That was almost all the types of reports you can do to get rid of everything that can bother you and leave your Roblox space free from anything malicious and harmful, hopefully.

Video Tutorial:


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