How to make roblox images

In the Articles/Intro to GUIs guide, you learned the basics of GUIs, how to create a screen GUI canvas for all players that enter your game, and how to position and resize a TextLabel GUI object on the screen. If you did not read through the Articles/Intro to GUIs guide, please do so first!

Let’s expand on those concepts and explore how to insert images into the screen GUI space. This is a great way to display icons, logos, background images, and other cool designs on the screen!

Adding Images to a Screen GUI

Adding an image to a screen GUI is very similar to adding a text label.

  1. In the Explorer window, find the ScreenGui object (you can use the same one that you created in the Articles/Intro to GUIs guide)
  2. Insert an ImageLabel object. Remember that you can find an object quickly by typing the first few letters of its name into the search field.
How to make roblox images

This will add an empty image label to the top-left corner of the game view.

How to make roblox images

Upload an Image

This placeholder is a good start, but obviously we need a real image to put on the screen. Let’s upload an image now.

The game must be published to Roblox before you can upload images. If you need help with publishing, please click here.

  1. In Roblox Studio, select FilePublish to Roblox.
  2. Click New Place.
  3. Enter a name and description.
  4. Click Create Place.
  5. When the bar is full and you see "100% Completed," click the blue Next button.
  6. On the next screen, you will see information about extra game features. You can skip those steps for now — just click the Done button.

  1. In the Explorer window, select the new ImageLabel object.
How to make roblox images
  1. Within the Image section of the Properties window, click on the Image property.
How to make roblox images
  1. In the popup window, click Add Image….
How to make roblox images

If you don't see a popup window, your game might not be published. Remember that a game must be published before you can upload images.

  1. In the next dialog, click the Choose File button. Find an image on your computer, select it, and confirm that you’d like to upload it.

How to make roblox images
You can use this little “play” icon for testing — simply right-click on it, select Save Image As..., save it to a convenient location, and then navigate to it as instructed.

If you want to place images over a colorful background on a menu screen or similar, you should make the pixels around the visible parts transparent in your image editing program. This will let the background or other game objects behind show through.

  1. If you wish, type in a different name in the small Name input field. When ready, click the Create button.
  2. When finished uploading, you’ll see the ImageLabel object updated with the image you selected!
How to make roblox images

The image is now uploaded and applied to the ImageLabel object. However, there are some properties which we can change to make it look even better!

  1. Expand the Data section in the Properties window if it’s not expanded already.
  2. For the BackgroundTransparency value, enter 1. This will make the image label background completely transparent so that anything behind it shows through.
How to make roblox images
  1. The size of the image label can be set with the Size properties. First, change SizeXOffset to 80.
How to make roblox images
  1. Similarly, change SizeYOffset to 80 to keep the same proportions.
How to make roblox images
  1. The location of the image label can be set with the Position properties. First, change PositionXOffset to 40.
How to make roblox images
  1. Change PositionYOffset to 20 to shift the label down a bit.
How to make roblox images
  1. Finally, turn the label counter-clockwise a small amount by setting the Rotation value to -8.
How to make roblox images

Layering Images in a Screen GUI

Great! Now you understand how to upload images to Roblox and put them on the screen. When you start adding more than one image, though, you’ll probably need to start thinking about layering.

Think about layering objects on the screen GUI space just like putting stickers on a piece of paper. If you stick one sticker on top of another sticker, it will hide that sticker behind it. Sometimes, however, you’ll want to arrange stickers in a different way, perhaps moving those behind to the very front.

Create a Second Image Label

Let’s place another image on the screen to demonstrate how layering works.

  1. Add a new ImageLabel object to the ScreenGui.
  2. Select the new image label in the Explorer window.

Note that this image label will have the same name ("ImageLabel") as the first one you created, so make sure you select the correct one by looking for the blue selection outline around the label in the 3D game view.

  1. Click the label’s Image property and upload the BlueShape.png image below into your game (right-click the image, select Save Image As…, save it to your computer, and then navigate to it from Studio).
How to make roblox images

When the image is finished uploading, you should see the following result:

How to make roblox images

Change the Label Properties

The initial properties don’t look good for this image, so let’s fix them.

  1. Set BackgroundTransparency to 1 to hide the background box.
  2. Set SizeXOffset to 300.
  3. Set SizeYOffset to 60.
  4. Set PositionXOffset to 90.
  5. Set PositionYOffset to 30.

That should correct everything and the image label should now look like this:

How to make roblox images

Change the Layering Order

As you can see, the new image label was placed behind the first one. If you don’t like how this looks, you can move the object to the front by changing its Z-index.

  1. Make sure the blue shape image label is still selected. In the Properties window, at the bottom of the Data section, look for the ZIndex property.
How to make roblox images
  1. Change the value to 2. A higher ZIndex value pushes an object in front of all objects with lower values.
How to make roblox images

Since the ZIndex of the first label (icon) is 1, our setting of 2 for the blue shape pushes it in front.

How to make roblox images

The lowest possible Zindex is 1 but you can set the number as high as you want. We recommended using increments of 10 for each layer, for example 10 for the first object, 20 for the second object, 30 for the third object, and so on. Why? Because you might need to make changes to your layout later and add new objects between existing ones. This way, you can set the Z-index of a new object to a value between the Z-index of either neighbor rather than re-sort every object in the layout.

Now you know how to create image labels in your game, upload your own images to Roblox, position labels on the screen GUI canvas, and layer them with Z-indexing.