How to make passion fruit tea at home

Passion Fruit Tea is a refreshing beverage made using fresh passion fruit pulp, black tea leaves (or green tea leaves), and lime juice.

It is packed with tropical flavors with the tanginess from the passion fruits and lime and sweetness from sugar.

Passion fruit is a tropical fruit that produces characteristic purple or yellow fruits.

The pulp and seeds found within the fruit are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and may have a range of health benefits.

How to prepare:

  • Heat 4 cups of water in a saucepan over medium-high.Once the water comes to a boil, switch off the heat and add 2 teaspoons black tea leaves and 5-6 mint leaves and let the tea steep for 2 minutes.

*Tip: Do not over steep otherwise the tea will become bitter.

  • Note – You can replace black tea leaves with green tea leaves. Instead of loose tea, you can use 1 tea bag for 2 teaspoons of loose tea.
  • Strain the tea using a tea strainer in a pitcher.
  • Let the tea cool down for 10-15 minutes. You can refrigerate it to fasten the cooling process.
  • Add ½ cup sugar, 2 teaspoon lime juice, and 1 cup of passion fruit pulp and mix well until the sugar is dissolved.
  • You can refrigerate the tea at this stage for 2-3 days
  • Fill a glass with ice cubes until ¾th fill. Add a few mint leaves and 1-2 lime rounds to the glass.
  • Pour the tea over ice and serve immediately.

*Tip – If you don’t like passion fruit seeds, you can strain the pulp using a fine-mesh strainer and use the juice.

What does passion fruit tea do?

Passion fruit is a very popular tropical fruit and it has a very unique tangy flavor and a light and crunchy texture.

The fruit is filled with gelatinous pulp with lots of edible seeds, made with passion fruits in one of the best ways to consume this fruit apart from topping the pulp on desserts.

Apart from being delicious, this fruit has numerous health benefits.

One fruit without the refuse contains the following nutrients:

  • 229 IU of vitamin A
  • 63 mg of potassium
  • 5 mg of magnesium
  • 4 mg of vitamin C
  • 2 mg of calcium
  • 29 mg of iron
  • 9 g of fiber

Passion fruit also contains phosphorus, niacin, and vitamin B-6, which a healthy body needs.

Passion fruit tea is a good source of:

–          Antioxidants

–          Vitamin B

–          Folate

–          Flavonoids

  • Vitamin C. Studies have shown that Vitamin C may help support a healthy immune system, prevent gum disease, and protect against free radical damage.

With a high level of vitamin A, vitamin C, and other antioxidants, this tea can lower the strain on the immune system and reduce the negative impact of free radicals in the body.

In addition, drinking this tea has been linked to lowering inflammation and stress hormone levels, which can, in turn, lower anxiety and improve digestive function.

Some people seek out this tea for its rejuvenating effects on the skin and complexion.

The amino acids provided by this tea are also valuable, as the building blocks of all proteins in the body.

Since this tea is often made with a caffeinated base of black or green tea, there are also the energizing effects of this tea to consider, which can aid in weight loss efforts.

Potential Health Benefits of Passion Tea

Passion fruit tea is a refreshing source of vitamins and minerals.

However, tea should be consumed in moderation to avoid any adverse effects.

Research has found several potential health benefits to drinking passion tea:

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

The pulp present in passion tea is an excellent source of polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory effects.

The prevention of inflammation can lead to improved management of specific diseases — such as type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Rosehip — part of the herbal blend of passion tea — has also been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects.

Research shows that rosehip has demonstrated benefits in treating conditions like arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Lower Blood Pressure

Hibiscus is one of the main ingredients in passion tea’s tropical blend.

Studies show that hibiscus can be beneficial to treating hypertension. Hibiscus has been shown to lower blood pressure when consumed regularly.

Immune System Support

The rosehip and orange peels in passion fruit tea are also a good source of Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that supports a healthy immune system and protects you from seasonal diseaseses.

Disease Prevention

Studies show that tea consumption may help prevent cardiovascular disease and some cancers.


  • Passion Fruit – Choose the ones that are ripe. Look out for passion fruits that are purple, red, or yellow in color and usually heavier than their size. They should also smell fruity.
  • You will get passion fruits in the produce section of the larger grocery stores.
  • Tea Leaves – I use black tea leaves but you can use green tea too. Keep in consideration that black tea has more caffeine than green tea. You can use loose tea or tea bags.
  • Mint Leaves – Choose the freshest ones with a nice aroma.
  • Lime Juice – Freshly squeezed lime juice is the best choice.
  • Sugar – Adjust it according to your taste. Swap it with honey for a healthy alternative. You can also use sugar-free substitutes like stevia or monk fruit.
  • Ice Cubes – You will need lots of ice cubes.

I’m the owner and blogger here at SodaPopCraft.Com. I’m a soft drinks enthusiast and I’m bringing you all I know and research from the world of Soda Pop & Kombucha soft drinks.

I hope it inspires you to make your own healthier fizzy drinks at home.

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