How to look at calculator history


  1. There is no built-in way to see calculator history on an iPhone.
  2. However, many third-party calculators can be used with the iPhone’s virtual keyboard, allowing you to view and edit your past calculations.

Top Five Calculator Tips & Tricks for iPhone

Calculator Tips and Tricks for Iphone

How do I view my full calculator history?

There are a few ways to view your full calculator history:-Open the calculator and press “3” to open the History menu.-Select “History” from the main menu and select a date or range of dates.-Press “5” to display the History screen.-Select “History” from the main menu and select “File.”

-Select “History Files” from the File menu and select a file to view.

Does the iPhone calculator have a history?

No, the iPhone calculator does not have a history.

How do I get my calculator history back?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the steps necessary to retrieve calculator history may vary depending on the calculator and operating system you are using. However, some methods for retrieving calculator history include:Open the calculator’s settings screen and navigate to the “History” tab.Select a date or time range from the list of available history entries and press the “Load” button.


How do I undo on my iPhone calculator?

To undo on an iPhone calculator, first press and hold the “-” key. Then release the “-” key and press and hold the “+” key.

How do I restore my calculator on my iPhone?

If you have an iPhone 5 or later, you can restore your calculator by going to Settings -> General -> Reset and selecting Calculator. If you don’t have an iPhone 5 or later, you can restore your calculator by going to Apple Store -> App Store and downloading the Calculator app.

How do you use memory on a calculator?

By entering the value of a variable into memory and pressing the “=” key, you can calculate results instantly.

How do I recover files from calculator vault?

Calculator Vault is a file storage service that stores files on behalf of users. If you accidentally delete files from Calculator Vault, there are a few ways to recover them:-Upload the files to another storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive and then restore them from there.

-Use the Calculator Vault recovery tool to restore the files from a backup.

How do you unlock the calculator vault?

There is no specific way to unlock the calculator vault. However, you can earn rewards by completing certain tasks or challenges.

What is the calculator app on iPhone?

The calculator app on iPhone is Apple’s Calculator app.

How do I recover photos from the vault app on my iPhone?

If you have an iPhone 5 or later, you can use the Photos app to recover photos from your vault. Open the Photos app and tap on the album that contains the photos you want to recover. Next, select the photos you want to recover and press the “Recover” button. The Photos app will then ask you to confirm that you want to recover the photos. If you are sure, press the “Recover” button again and the Photos app will start recovering the photos.

How can I recover my photos from Vault?

The easiest way to recover photos from Vault is to use the Google Photos recovery tool.

Can you recover deleted pictures from photo vault?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the amount of data that needs to be recovered will vary depending on the photo vault in question. However, some tips that may help include using a data recovery software or recovering data from a backup.

How to look at calculator history

Many people are having difficulty finding their calculation history on their iPhone.

Here is how to see that.

How to Check Your History on a Calculator on an iPhone?

Many users have answered the following solution to check the history of calculations on iPhone calculator.

Go to your iPhone calculator app and open it. Try to make a calculation like multiplying a number or adding a number. Just don’t hit enter to calculate. Instead on the screen after you have written the number, hold the number down until you see a dropdown menu with History written on it.

Click on History to see all your past calculations in your iPhone calculator.

The Problem with iOS Calculator is that it doesn’t keep a record of your past calculation history. To fix that problem you will need to download a better calculator that does that.

You can use any third-party calculator app for your iPhone from the Apple App store. ALl of these third party apps are completely free and you can use them instead of the default iPhone calculator. 

These apps will also allow you to store your calculation’s history and you can check that anytime you want.

Does the iPhone Calculator Keep Your History?

No the iPhone calculator doesn’t keep your history after you have closed it on the phone. You can use it to make calculations but you can’t see the previous history on your iPhone. 

The only way to see your previous calculations on iPhone calculator is to download a third party app like Calculator with History. This app will record your history in a log file and save it on your iPhone after you have closed it.

Your current calculator app on the iPhone only has a memory function that can store values or formulas for the current calculations only. As soon as you close the calculator, these formulas will disappear from the app’s storage.

iPhone Spotlight & Calculator Storage History

Both Spotlight and Calculator in iPhone don’t keep your calculation history in a log file that is why when you make any calculations, they are deleted after you close the app.

If you plan to make any important calculations from Spotlight or the calculator app on your iPhone make sure that you keep them as a record somewhere else.

Otherwise, you can use a calculator app with history for your iPhone to keep your calculations history safe.

Calculator History in Latest iPhone 

Even in the latest iPhone, the calculator app doesn’t have a history option available. 

You can only copy the number or the calculation result from your iPhone to any other app. However, you can’t check the history of your calculations on the default iPhone calculator app. For that, you will need to use a third-party calculator with history app from the Apple App Store.

So there you with your iPhone and a ton of papers in front of you. It's time for you to do the taxes and you're relying on the stock iOS calculator to add up a long column of numbers. So you type in the first 30 figures and UH OH. You've entered the wrong number and the iOS calculator doesn't have a back button. So you have to start all over from the beginning, right? Wrong.

As it turns out, there is a way to correct an errant entry. Some of you already know what to do, but if you've just moved over to iOS from Android (possibly after purchasing the second-generation iPhone SE) you might not be aware of this feature. In fact, we'd bet that a number of iOS users would have yelled a few choice words and started their calculations again from the top.

The stock iOS calculator has a few tricks up its sleeve

But here is the secret, and not only is it simple, it also makes sense. Simply swipe to the right the incorrect figure that shows up above the calculator buttons. That will remove each number one-by-one. Once you erase the incorrect figure, you can replace it with the correct one. For example, let's say that you're adding 65 and 13 but you accidentally type in 65 + 31. Swipe right on the 31 and it will be replaced with a 0. Type in the 13 that you wanted to add, hit the equal button, and you'll have your answer. Journalist Yashar Ali tweeted an example of how this works.

Here's another trick for iOS users. So let's say you have been using the calculator and the figure you've come up with needs to be included in a text or email. A long press on the final tally at the top of the screen will bring up a prompt to copy that figure so that it can be easily pasted into a missive that you're about to send.

How to look at calculator history

A long-press on a tally will allow the iOS stock calculator to paste the figure into an email or text

Finally, let's say that your boss comes up to you demanding the numbers that you just added up for the Anderson contract. You can quickly swipe up from the upper right corner to open the Control Center on the iPhone. Long-press on the calculator icon and you'll see a prompt that will allow you to copy the last result from your calculator app and paste it in a text or email.

If you need a calculator that has a back button, head to the App Store and install Calculator with History +. Not only is this app absolutely free, but it will also show you your calculation history. For those who would prefer a history kept of their calculations, this would be a better choice than the stock iOS calculator. It also allows you to long-press on a number and paste it.

If you don't mind shelling out for a calculator app with too many features to, uh, count, you could check out Calcularium. It is free to install and you get a one week trial. After that, the Almighty Version is 99 cents per month, $5.99 for a year, or $9.99 for your life. This version comes with unlimited calculation history, unit, and currency conversion. But if the latter is what you need, Siri can usually handle that stuff. And if she can't, the free ConversionCalculator Plus will convert currency (update once a day if toggled on), data (KB to MB for example), speed, weight, temperature, and more. That app can be found right here.

We will close with one last iOS calculator trick that most of you learned while in the crib. If you need to do some advanced math on your iPhone, open the calculator app and hold the phone in landscape orientation. That adds functions to the calculator that you would find on a scientific calculator.