How to know if im in love quiz

Seems like a simple question, right?

Are you in love? Or aren’t you?

What seems like a simple question turns out to be not so simple after all, once you really look into it.

Love is so slippery, so elusive, so difficult to pin down.

What are the signs you’re in love?

Does he truly love you?

Is it love or lust?

And don’t even get me started on how to tell love from infatuation, or love at first sight, or even how to figure out if the emotion you’re feeling is truly love… or something else.

After all, love is subjective. It’s different for every person on earth. So how can you tell if what you’re truly feeling is love?

Well, that’s why you’re here right now. And that’s the question we’re about to answer.

The truth is, this quiz will get to the bottom of the question, “Am I truly in love?”

It will filter out lust, infatuation, obsession, and even very strong liking – and answer the real question of whether you’re in love or not.

Without knowing the specifics of the relationship, and the specifics of how you two interact with each other, there’s no way to tell whether you love him or not.

And without being able to know how you’re feeling deep down inside when you talk to him, when you text him, when you think about him – answering the question of whether you’re in love is impossible.

That’s why this quiz is designed with those specifics in mind – to get the real specifics of your situation and find out once and for all whether you’re in love or not.

So that’s why it’s super important that you focus on being completely and totally honest with your answers to get the best and most accurate results.

Are you ready to find out whether you’re in love? Take the quiz right now and get the answer to the question…

10 Questions | Total Attempts: 48295

  • Your friend announces they are getting married and you have to bring someone with you to the wedding. Who is your first thought?

    • I want to ask them, but we’re probably not at that point yet, so I’ll take one of my friends.

    • I hope my special someone will say yes!

    • My best friend, obviously!

  • When someone asks you to describe love, what do you say?

    • It exists if the circumstances are right and no one really knows what those are.

    • It’s nice but hard to get to.

    • It’s real and huge and amazing!

  • You’re talking with your special someone, and they make you laugh. What do you think?

    • I love their sense of humor. They’re perfect!

    • Did I laugh too hard? Or did I not laugh enough?

    • Um…I think they’re funny?

  • A text from your special person lights up your phone! How do you feel?

  • In a conversation, your special someone says they like the way you always have something to talk about. What’s your first thought?

    • “Like?” What does that mean? Does that mean they “like” me, or they just like me?

  • What is your favorite time of day?

  • What is your favorite pet?

  • When getting ready in the morning, how much do you focus on looking good?

    • Not a lot because getting to know my special someone has helped me find my own confidence.

    • I put on enough makeup to look almost natural (or at least not trying too hard. Because I’m not.).

    • Depends on my mood and what I’m doing that day.

  • When walking through a crowd, how often do you see people from afar that look like your special someone?

    • Sometimes, and then I panic because I don’t want to be caught off guard.

  • Your special someone finally admits that they like you. How do you feel?

    • A little deflated, but I can work with that.

    • YES! I have succeeded! The game is over!

    • I blush a little but for a moment don’t have any reaction at all.

  • Romance
  • Crush
  • Dream Girl
  • Girlfriend

When you are in love, the world becomes brighter, and all your emotions are heightened. Love is an all-encompassing feeling that is essential for human happiness. Some people find peace in familial and friendship love. Others cannot live without romantic feelings. But how do you understand that you are in love

People are social beings that surround themselves with lots of different people. Human relationships are complicated. Each person in our surroundings has their role and level of importance to us. We have different kinds of feelings towards all people we know. Often, we create a certain feeling about a person that we haven’t met yet! Judging only by the bits and pieces we learn from others. Of course, labeling people from such an inaccurate image is the wrong choice, but it is often in our nature. 

Amidst the variety of hues and shades of love and affection, how do we find true love? Am I in love? This is an excellent question to have. Often, people fall in love without even realizing it. And if you have a specific person in mind, it’s easy to determine your feelings if you know the telltale signs of being in love. What are they? They are partially physical, partially emotional, but, ultimately, connected to our chemistry. 

The scientific approach 

The science of love is a set of chemical reactions that our bodies conduct on their own. People do not regulate the production of “in love” hormones consciously. You cannot decide to become attached to a person and say, “let’s release all that dopamine.” Your brain has already decided it all. 

While you are left at the mercy of biochemistry, understanding your body is a sure way to learn your feelings. 

Usually, scientists divide the process of falling in love into three stages: lust, attraction, attachment. 


The first stage is the one that we experience most often. Sexual hormones, testosterone and estrogen, drive lust. This is the most superficial stage of intimate human relationships.


The second stage goes more in-depth than lust. This is the love-struck phase, the beginning of your love. Usually, it is easy to notice, as it has many telltale signs. But, let’s get chemical for a moment. 

Attraction is closely connected to the reward mechanisms of our bodies. During this stage, several neurotransmitters are at play: 

  • dopamine 
  • serotonin
  • norepinephrine

Together, they get our heart racing, head high, emotions haywire. Overall, the signs are similar to addiction due to the influence of dopamine. 


This phase is the long-lasting love that is also called “happily ever after” in fairy tales. This long-lasting commitment is the result of mainly two hormones at play, oxytocin and vasopressin. 

As you see, there are different stages and types of attraction. And this is the scientific take on the matter. The spiritual side of love is an entirely different subject and requires at least two more articles like this. 

Now, for this “Am I in love quiz” we recommend you to think about a specific person you feel attracted to (or several of them if you are indecisive!) and try to answer the questions with them in mind. 

Would you learn about your Love Language as well? 

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