How to fix small teeth in adults

Each and every smile is different, and teeth can come in lots of different shapes and sizes.

If your teeth are smaller than usual, then you may be feeling self-conscious or embarrassed about your smile.

Here at The Bespoke Smile, we understand the importance of being happy with your teeth.

Our dental specialists can provide the highest-quality care and treatment to restore your smile and self-confidence.

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What is microdontia?

How to fix small teeth in adults
Microdontia, more commonly as small teeth, is a condition where your teeth are unusually small or short.

Having one or two small teeth is relatively common in our patients, however, microdontia of the whole set of teeth is quite rare.

Types of small teeth:

  1. True generalised microdontia: This is the rarest type of microdontia, and describes a full set of smaller teeth.
  2. Relative generalised microdontia: If someone has a large jaw or a jaw that protrudes, then their teeth might appear smaller, even if they aren’t. Relative generalised microdontia is essentially a disproportion between the jaw and the teeth.
  3. Localised microdontia: This is the most common form of microdontia, and does not necessarily mean that the tooth itself is small. It can also mean that the tooth’s root or crown is atypically small. Localised microdontia means that a single tooth is smaller than usual.

Causes of microdontia:

Most cases of microdontia are localised, however, the rarer cases occur due to a genetic condition such as pituitary dwarfism.

Other causes of microdontia can include:

  • Cancer treatment such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy
  • Cleft lip
  • Down Syndrome
  • Pituitary Dwarfism
  • Ectodermal Dysplasias
  • Fanconi anaemia

Whatever your case of microdontia, we can provide bespoke treatment to create your ideal smile.

Call us today on 01628 488 538

What are the risk factors?

If you have small teeth, then you may be at a higher risk of damage to your teeth.

Microdontia can cause bigger gaps between the teeth, making it easier for food to get trapped, or gums to be damaged.

Gaps in your teeth may cause your teeth to shift into gaps and result in crooked teeth.

If you are having any recurring or constant pain in your jaw or teeth, then it is important to contact your dental specialist as soon as you can.

How to treat small teeth: cosmetic solutions

If you are concerned about the look of your teeth and your smile is causing you to feel conscious, then there are a number of cosmetic dental treatments available to you:

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are ultra-thin coverings that are placed over the front surface of your teeth to improve the look, function and feel.

The veneer application procedure is minimally invasive and can create a whole new look for an individual small tooth, multiple teeth or an entire smile.

Learn more about how veneers work.

The benefits of dental veneers include:

  • Natural-looking feel and look of your smile
  • Gums can tolerate veneer material safely
  • Stain-resistant
  • Improve the whiteness of your teeth
  • Minimally invasive treatment
  • Intended to last a lifetime

There are several types of veneer material and the brand you choose will depend on your requirements and oral situation.

Dr Sam Jethwa is a leading veneer specialist and will be able to advise you on the best cosmetic solution for you. 

Dental Crowns

Crowns are a common solution to microdontia, as they sit on top of an existing tooth to protect, strengthen and improve the look of the tooth.

Whereas a veneer covers the surface of a tooth, a crown will cover the entire tooth to help align the overall smile.

Read more about the options of a complete smile makeover.

Here at The Bespoke Smile, we place porcelain crowns to ensure a stronger and more durable solution that is long-lasting.

Dental Bonding

Usually made of composite resin, dental bonding matches the colour and look of your teeth.

Bonding can help restore the aesthetics and strength of your teeth.

The resin used to bond to your teeth can be shaped and polished in order to match the individual shape and size of your teeth.

Dental bonding can be completed within a single visit as there is minimal preparation and it is a pain-free procedure.

If you have microdontia, then dental bonding can improve the shape and size of the tooth, protect the damaged teeth and improve your oral health.

Whatever your dental condition, we are here to help.

Using the latest technology, our treatments are bespoke and available on 0% finance. See our fees.

If you are considering restoring your smile, contact us today on 01628 488 538

The appearance of your teeth is not always a matter of chips, crookedness or other similar problems that affect only a few teeth at a time. Instead, many patients struggle with short teeth and/or gum to tooth ratios that make teeth appear too small for one’s mouth. There are several reasons teeth appear too small and there are corresponding cosmetic fixes to improve their appearance, reduce gaps and achieve different proportions. Similarly, small teeth, especially ones that are flat and square, tend to look more like juvenile teeth and can also be addressed.

Causes of Small Teeth in Adults

There are several factors that can make teeth smaller or appear smaller than they should. Referred to as microdontia, this can affect all of your teeth or only a few teeth. Hormone and genetic factors can sometimes cause this, including having a large jaw which makes the teeth seem too small for one’s face, this is known as relative generalized microdontia.

When all teeth are affected this is called generalized microdontia and can be the result of such genetic issues as pituitary dwarfism. A more common occurrence, however; is localized microdontia which will only affect one tooth and is often caused by a reduced number of teeth.

Gaps Caused by Small Teeth

Unlike with many other tooth imperfections, braces are not advisable for gaps caused by small teeth. Because braces’ primary function is to pull teeth together, small teeth would just create larger gaps in other parts of the mouth along with a still uneven smile.

Instead, porcelain veneers can be used to change the shape and size of the teeth. This non-invasive option allows for a thin veneer to be placed over the existing tooth, formed and colored to give a natural appearance.

Thin porcelain veneers are often an ideal option when your natural teeth are small but still healthy. When there are no signs of decay or other issues, your own teeth will not need to be ground down or reshaped. Instead, the veneers can be applied directly for a non-invasive approach to small teeth adjustments.

Gum Reshaping

Sometimes it’s not a matter of the size of teeth, but how much gum is covering them, making them appear even shorter. While gum reshaping is often used to correct a gummy smile, it can also be used in the case of short and juvenile teeth.

For gum reshaping, your gums are treated with a local anesthetic before a laser is used to gently remove excessive gum material and reshape the gumline. The laser is used again to seal the area to give the preferred shape and to stop additional bleeding, making the process relatively quick and pain-free. However, it should be noted that the gums may take up to several weeks to fully heal and extra care should be taken during this time to prevent infection.

Choosing the Right Options for You 

Depending on the results you want to achieve and the current condition of your own teeth, one or more of these options could be beneficial to you. Oftentimes procedures are combined along with other treatments like tooth whitening to meet your needs.

Your Art of Dentistry dental care provider can work with you to understand your options for correcting small teeth and juvenile teeth issues. To get started, contact us for a consultation with our experts!

Related article: Chipped Teeth: Causes, Treatments, Prevention Tips