How to fix lagging minecraft

With Minecraft being so varied with different settings, mods and plugins, there can be a number of things that you can do to improve lag on your server.

Common reasons for lag:- Too many players and not enough RAM.- Too many mobs/items and not enough RAM.- You are too far away from your server.

- Corrupt chunks/Entities

- Too many worlds are running on your server without sufficient RAM.- Errors are spamming in your console. - Too many plugins running on your server and not enough RAM.

THINGS TO DO FIRSTConsole ErrorsAlways, check for console errors before submitting a ticket.

Most are easily solved with a Google search and you should get into the habit of fixing your server.

1. Check if you have any errors in your console. If you see any "SEVERE" errors, this maybe be the cause of your lag.
2. Try and troubleshoot these errors. Google is your friend, and we have a knowledge base full of guides.

If you see "End of Stream" with a "SEVERE" tag, do not be alarmed. Unless this is spamming in your console this it not an issue.

TPS lag (server lag)

The next type of lag is server lag. This is described in Minecraft as TPS. TPS stands for Ticks Per Second. TPS is otherwise known as game ticks and is a maximum of 20. 20 TPS is hardwired into Minecraft as the universal speed. That is to say, the smallest amount of time possible that is distinguishable from the game's perspective. Each “tick” causes the game to recalculate directions of mobs, as well as other things such as growing crops adjusting the direction of mobs etc. Just to get an idea of how long it is, each redstone tick is equivalent to 2 game ticks. This is incidentally also the reason redstone “half” ticks exist, being 1 game tick. Remember that TPS and FPS are different. TPS, on the server, is controlled by the speed and capabilities of the server. FPS is based on the player's computer.

Reduce Your View Distance
We recommend that you reduce the view distance of your server from the default 10 to a value between 6-8.

ClearLagThis plugin is a great and very configurable and is recommended for any server. ClearLag can be found on Bukkit here.1. Once you have ClearLag installed you can run the command "lagg check" to see how many entities you have on your server2. If you are running a small server anything over the value "500" may possibly be the reason for your lag.

3. If you do have a high number of entities, run the command "lagg clear" and "lagg killmobs". This will remove the lag causing entities from your server i.e. items on the ground and mobs

Remove PluginsThe more players and plugins you have the more RAM you will need. If you have lots of plugins and not a lot of RAM you will overload your server causing it to have lag spikes and/or crash.

The best thing to do it limit the amount of plugins you require to run your server, as some plugins such as Survival Games can use up to 1GB of RAM.

Corrupted Chunks + Entity Buildup
A common issue with Minecraft servers is world "chunks" becoming corrupted, see an example of this here: Chunk Corruption Errors.
Along with this, you can find that entities can buildup within the world, large number of entities in a small area (mobs, items on the floor etc) can also cause FPS and TPS lag. To limit these, we suggest running a region fixer, if you have a server with MelonCube, you can create a support ticket to get this done, alternatively, you can run it on your world yourself using the tool here: Minecraft Region Fixer

Low Memory
Running your server without enough memory for the world/plugins/mods you are running on the server can often cause lag, you can read more about this here: Out of Memory issues

FPS lag (client lag)

As a player, you should be concerned with client lag. This lag is a direct result of the client. This means that this lag is caused by your computer running the Minecraft game. Client lag is affected by things like a large amount of entities (e.g thousands of dropped blocks or animals, and a few other related things, such as light values on structures running shader-packs, mods, etc). This will cause your FPS (Frames Per Second) to drop, and is the most common type of lag. When playing on servers this is reduced, as the game engine calculations are running on another computer (the server), minimizing the calculations your computer needs to run and therefore giving you, as the player, more resources to play the game. This is the only kind of lag that is affected by the quality of your computer.

Fixing FPS lag

The Optifine mod can help a player to achieve higher FPS with the same quality. You can also make efforts to limit this by removing all the land in spawn worlds, so that it is a void world with only the spawn, or should your spawn reside withing the same world as the world to play in, you can use WorldEdit to fill the caves below with stone, to lower the amount of light-values to be calculated when a player spawns. You should also remove any unnecessary and fast-flashing redstone and any mobs close by, by using WorldGuard regions and flags to block mob spawning.

LatencyFinally, we get to Latency or Internet lag. Internet lag is usually a result of being geographically far from the server host. This means that the electrical impulses take many milliseconds to reach the server and then have to travel all that way back. This means there can be a lag between input from your computer to it appearing on your and other screens. Take the example of you placing a block in front of your friend. Firstly you have to click to place the block, that information then has to travel up to 12,756 km (diameter of the earth) to the server. Then, this information has to be processed and sent out to your friend's computer, which might be up to another 12,756 km away. Traveling this long distance can take a while. Other kinds of internet lag can include bandwidth issues, common in the event of a DDoS (Distributed Denial Of Service) attack, where the server is bombarded with so many connections that it is unable to process normal connection. This is similar to how roads get slower and blocked with traffic when there is a lot of cars.

Fixing Latency LagIf you want to check your latency with a server just log onto Minecraft and add the server you want to test to your list of servers.When it's added there will be a small icon in the top right on the server field just above the number of slots the server holds.

If you hover over the icon it will tell you the ping of the server.

Fast Ping: <100msMedium Ping: 100-200msSatisfactory Ping: 200-300Slow Ping: 300-500ms

Laggy Ping: >500ms

Latency lag is when you are too far away from your server so the connection is slightly delayed.

Check your server Daemon/Node location and see if you are the closest you can be to our servers.
If you see that any of our server locations are closer to you than your current server's location, submit a ticket and request a transfer free of charge.

Want a super fast, lag-free server experience? Get a Minecraft Server with us and run your server with the experts!

Lag in Minecraft occurs when there is a delay between your input and the actions performed by your character in the game. It also happens when your internet connection takes a high-traffic route to the server, or if the server has traffic issues while playing in multiplayer mode.

This frustrating lag can take a toll, especially when you have no clue why this is happening. 

Why is My Minecraft So Laggy?

There are various reasons why Minecraft lags. Some of the common issues are:

  • High video settings in Minecraft
  • Insufficient RAM allocation for Minecraft
  • Too many unwanted Cache files in the computer
  • High ping due to poor internet connecton

Whatever it may be, you can try the fixes below to try and solve your problem.

How to Reduce Lag in Minecraft

Before getting to the fixes, you might want to check if your PC meets the minimum requirements for Minecraft. Since the game is somewhat taxing on your PC, you want to make sure you have a decent build to support the game. Check the minimum requirements for your PC to be able to run Minecraft below:

  • CPU: Intel Core i3-3210 3.2 GHz/AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz or equivalent
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • OS: Windows 7 or higher
    Integrated: Intel HD Graphics 4000 (Ivy Bridge) or AMD Radeon R5 series (Kaveri line) with OpenGL 4.41 
    Discrete: Nvidia GeForce 400 Series or AMD Radeon HD 7000 series with OpenGL 4.4
  • Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 or better
  • Disk Space Required: 1 GB

If your PC meets the requirements and the game is still lagging, follow the methods below and check if the lagging has stopped.

Change Video Settings in Minecraft

The default video settings for Minecraft usually lean towards the higher end. Before changing the settings, make sure your PC meets the following specs for Minecraft.

If you meet the requirements and your Minecraft is still laggy, change the video settings to optimum and check if the lag still occurs.

  1. Open Minecraft.
  2. Select Options.
  3. Go to Video Settings.
  4. Make these changes:
  5. Change Graphics to Fast.
  6. Turn OFF Smooth Lighting.
  7. Turn VSync OFF.
  8. Set Distortion Effects to 50%.
  9. Lower Max Framerate to 30 FPS.
  10. Change Render Distance to 12 Chunks.
  11. Change Particles to Decreased.
  12. Turn Clouds OFF
  13. Turn View Bobbing OFF.
  14. Change FOV Effects to 75%.
  15. Run Minecraft and check if the lag still occurs.

These are the optimal settings for Minecraft. The quality does drop a little when you change it, but smoother gameplay makes it worth it.

If you have shaders installed, try to disable shaders as they are heavy on your PC and might lag your game.

RAM is used to access and run programs more quickly than the time it would take to boot the program directly from your storage. Allocating RAM in Minecraft lets it use more space in the RAM to run better and faster.

Minecraft may be using less amount of RAM than it needs. So based on your PC specs, you can allocate more RAM to the game.

To check how much RAM your system has, press Windows Key + Pause key

  1. Open Minecraft Launcher
  2. Go to Installations located at the top of the Launcher window.
  3. On the left side of the installed version of Minecraft, click on the three dots, and select Edit.
  4. Press More Options at the bottom of the Edit Installation screen.
  5. You will see a box titled JVM Arguments at the bottom of the list. You will see Xmx2G– in the box, followed by other arguments. The ‘2G’ represents the amount of RAM your game uses.
  6. Change the value of ‘2G’ to ‘4G’ (or ‘6G’/‘8G’ if your setup has a higher RAM).
  7. Hit Save.

Your game will have more RAM than previously allocated. But be careful not to change the value below 2 GB as it may cause unwanted problems to your game.

Disk Cleanups are always handy as they make sure your storage is not cluttered, which in turn affects the processing speed. Follow the steps below to clean up the disk.

  1. Go to Search and type in Disk Cleanup and open it.
  2. Select the files that you need to delete and press OK. A warning pop-up will show up. Press Delete Files
  3. You can also clean up the system files. To do so, press Clean up system files. You will need admin privileges to perform the action.
  4. Select the system files you need to delete and press OK.
  5. The same warning pop-up will show up. Press Delete Files.

If you experience lag in your system and not just Minecraft, it is best to scan your PC for viruses and malware using Windows Defender or the Antivirus of your choice. Start the scan and the Windows Defender/antivirus will take care of the rest.

Since the games keep updating and adding patches, it is important to check if your OS and GPU drivers are up to date. To check and update the OS, you will have to:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Navigate to Windows Update.
  3. Press Check of updates.

The PC will check for updates and install them automatically. You may have to restart your computer after the update, so make sure you save all the work before you restart.

You can check and update the drivers for your GPU using your designated GPU control panel, such as Nvidia’s GeForce Experience App or AMD’s Radeon Software. You can access the update in their respective settings.

Close Unnecessary Apps

If several apps are running in the background, they use your CPU and GPU. You can use the task manager to close them.

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc on your keyboard.
  2. Under the Processes tab, you will see a list of apps running on your PC at the moment.
  3. Select the app you are not using and press End Task at the bottom right of the window.
  4. Do the same for all the apps you do not need at the moment.

Reinstall Minecraft

If none of the above options work, you should try to reinstall Minecraft.

  1. Go to Windows, search and run Control Panel.
  2. Open Programs (Programs and Features in Windows 10).
  3. Navigate to Unistall a Program.
  4. Look for Minecraft in the list and select it.
  5. Right-click on it and choose Uninstall or select the Uninstall button at the top.
  6. After uninstalling it, it is best to Restart your System.
  7. Once you restart, download Minecraft launcher from it’s official website and open it.
  8. Follow the instructions to install the launcher and check if you are still lagging.

You can also reinstall Java using the same method. Simply choose Java SE Binary instead of Minecraft while uninstalling and download Java from its official website.

High ping occurs when your internet connection is poor while playing in multiplayer/co-op mode. If you are getting a ping of over 50ms or 100ms, it can severely affect your gameplay with lag. An ideal (low) ping is usually between 30ms to 50ms.

Sometimes, using a VPN service can lower your ping. But it is best to research and find the best VPN provider for you. You can also talk to your Internet Service Provider and mention the high ping you are having. It might be an error on their end. If not, you may have to change into a better and faster internet connection.


Is Allocating Too Much Ram Bad for Minecraft?

When you have an unnecessarily large amount of RAM allocated for Minecraft, it can create “spikes” of lag. Java has a process of cleaning up RAM every once in a while called Java Garbage Collector. If you have allocated a larger size of RAM than needed, then the “garbage” will be large as well, and cleaning it would take longer, causing more lag.

What Does Vsync Do in Minecraft?

VSync is a setting that you can find in almost all the games today. It is a feature that can lock the framerate at a stable pace. So if you have a steady framerate of 60fps, turning VSync on will lock the framerate at 60fps. This process might be a bit intense on your PC than allowing the framerate to fluctuate.

Do I Need a Better GPU for Minecraft?

Minecraft can run on some low and medium-end integrated GPU rather smoothly if you have the video settings at the minimum. However, if you want to use shaders and other resource packs, then a faster GPU is recommended for Minecraft to run smoothly.


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