How to find coral reef in Minecraft Bedrock

This Minecraft tutorial explains all about coral reefs with screenshots.

Supported Platforms

The Coral Reef is available in the following versions of Minecraft:

PlatformSupported (Version*)
 Java Edition (PC/Mac)
Yes (1.13)
 Pocket Edition (PE)
Yes (1.4.0)
 Xbox 360
Yes (TU69)
 Xbox One
Yes (1.4.0)
Yes (1.76)
Yes (1.76)
 Wii U
Yes (Patch 38)
 Nintendo Switch
Yes (1.5.0)
 Windows 10 Edition
Yes (1.4.0)
 Education Edition
Yes (1.4.0)

* The version that it was added or removed, if applicable.
NOTE: Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10 Edition are now called Bedrock Edition. We will continue to show them individually for version history.

Where to Find a Coral Reef

In Minecraft, a coral reef is a structure that spawns naturally in the game. It a colorful underwater structure that is filled with coral, plants and tropical fish. It is found in the Warm Ocean biome.

Here is a picture of what a coral reef looks like:

The coral reef is made up of blue, pink, purple, red and yellow coral as well as lots of sand, seagrass, sea pickles, and beautifully colored tropical fish.

Types of Coral

In Minecraft, there are coral blocks, coral fans, and coral in the coral reef. Here are the different types of coral that you can find in the coral reef:

Types of Tropical Fish

Here are 22 different types of tropical fish that you can find swimming in the coral reef.

Coral Reef Seeds

You can use a seed to create a world where you spawn near a Coral Reef:


Explore this amazing Coral Reef seed in the Minecraft Aquatic Update (Java Edition 1.13).


Watch this video as we take a look at the 22 different types of tropical fish in the new Aquatic Update (Java Edition 1.13)!


Other Structures in Minecraft

Coral reefs are one of the most beautiful "structures" in Minecraft. They are brightly colored and contain unique blocks.

Besides their great real-estate value, coral reefs also provide blocks that can be used in builds. Most of these blocks cannot be crafted into anything but are aesthetically pleasing.

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How to find a coral reef in Minecraft

A super creative base build in a coral reef (Image via Reddit)

Coral reefs can only be found in warm ocean biomes in Minecraft. However, players will not find them in the deep warm ocean biomes.

Coral reefs can generate at the bottom of underwater ravines, but not on the floor of a deep warm ocean biome.

Coral reefs are easy to spot due to their bright colors.

Also read: How to install a resource pack for Minecraft Java and Windows 10 Edition

What can be found in coral reefs?

A coral reef seen at night with shaders applied (Image via u/deltuh871 on Reddit)

As stated above, coral reefs are home to some unique blocks that cannot be found anywhere else in Minecraft.

These reefs contain coral blocks, coral fans, and coral, which are all brightly colored. They also have sea pickles, which can be seen as the light in the image above.

Sea pickles can be placed on land as a source of light. They can also be smelted in a furnace to create lime green dye.

The video above (by OMGcraft) showcases nine tricks and tips about coral reef biomes in Minecraft. This video is especially useful for players who are looking to build an underwater base in a coral reef.

Also read: Everything players need to know about the Minecraft Plus! announcement

Quick Links

Do you know that oceans in Minecraft can have a whole new world for you to adventure into? Yes, since 2018, the oceans of the Minecraft game have interesting features such as the coral reef structures. 

The reason why not a lot of people know about this particular structure is that it’s very difficult to find. On top of that, it doesn’t spawn on the mainland. Rather, you would only find this structure deep into the warm ocean. 

And, that’s exactly the reason why many people are unable to find coral reefs in Minecraft. Now, if (like others) you, too, truly want to find this biome and enjoy all of its exotic features, you’re in luck.

It’s because, in this discussion, we’ll tell you the answer to common questions such as “How to find coral reef in Minecraft?“. 

Furthermore, will explain every bit of tiny detail that you should know about coral reef biomes. So, read this discussion to the end!!!

What Is The Coral Reef In Minecraft?

The coral reef is a special structure that is only found in the warm ocean biomes. And, this structure is filled with colorful structures such as plants, tropical fish, corals, etc. Also, the coral you’ll find in this structure will be of various colors such as pink, red, purple, blue, yellow, etc.

Now, the coral reef is so well known in the Minecraft game because it is available in all the versions of the Minecraft game including the Bedrock edition, PS3, PS4, Java edition, Nintendo Switch edition, Xbox edition, etc.

How To Find Coral Reef In Minecraft?

As we have already mentioned above, you will only be able to find the coral reef structure in the warm ocean biome. Now, you might ask, “what is the warm ocean biome?”. 

Well, the warm ocean is a variation of the normal ocean that has warm water and different colors. And, the distinct feature of a warm ocean is that its color gives a distinct vibe of a tropical environment. 

Now, you should also note that the coral reef structure is found surrounded by large bodies of warm water in the warm ocean biome. To be more specific, the coral reef structure will be surrounded by at least 32 blocks of lukewarm water from every direction.

And, that’s exactly why there are only 2 ways to find this special structure in the Minecraft game:

  1. By exploring the ocean
  2. By planting coral reef seeds

Now, let’s see how you can easily find the coral reef structure in the Minecraft game in greater detail:

1. Finding Coral Reef By Exploring In The Ocean

If you want to explore around in the warm ocean biome and find the coral reef structure in the shortest amount of time, your best bet is to build a boat and explore the ocean on the boat. While exploring, you may keep an eye out to look for a particular aquamarine structure with a bit of greenish and light blue tint.

Also, if you can get yourself an elytra (the elytra is a pair of wings that can enable a player to fly around in the Minecraft game), you can easily fly and cover more ground in the least amount of time. This way, you can explore and find the coral reef biome even faster. 

2. Finding Coral Reef By Seeds

Here, I will mention some seeds that you can use to order to find the coral reef structures very quickly. To use these seeds, you’ll have to copy and paste them to the Chunk Base website. After pasting the seeds on the chunk base website, you’ll be able to see on the map where you have to go in order to find the coral reef.

  • Tropical Island Seed: 1194193358

This is the seed that will lead you to a tropical island. 

Now, the tropical island itself does not contain the coral reef structure. But, you can find the coral reef around this tropical island if you spend a few minutes looking for it.

  • Tropical Island Seed (2): 538502489

By using this particular seed, you’ll spawn right next to a large coral reef structure. Also, you may notice some tropical fish around you as well (including dolphins and other ocean fishes),

The feature of this seed is that you can spawn into a civilian village using this seed. Also, you may see yourself spawned at a place with a sunken ship. Now, you can acquire some items from the village at first and then explore around in order to find the coral reef, which is in the close vicinity of this village.

What Are The Types Of Corals That I Can Find In A Coral Reef?

In a coral reef, you’ll find multiple types of color blocks including the blue colored “tube” coral block, the pink-colored “brain” coral block, the purple-colored “bubble” coral block, the red-colored “fire” color block, the yellow-colored “horn” coral block, etc.

Also, you might find many types of coral fans including the blue-colored “tube” coral fans, pink-colored “brain” coral fans, the purple-colored “bubble” coral fans, the red-colored “fire” coral fans, and the yellow-colored “horn” coral fans, etc.

In addition to that, there’s a high chance for you to find a total of 22 distinct types of tropical fish in the coral reef structure as well.

How Can I Mine Coral From Coral Reef In Minecraft?

Mining coral from the coral reef is not the same process of mining other objects from the land. 

More specifically, in order to mine coral from the coral reef, you will have to have a pickaxe that has been enchanted with Silk Touch. If you mine corals with this special type of pickaxe, you can easily mine the corals without them losing their color.

Remember, if you do not use a pickaxe that is silk enchanted, the coral you are mining will be dead and it will get gray in color. Also, note that if you bring the coral out of the water, it will stay alive for a few seconds, and then it will die as well.

So, never bring the corals out of the water if you want to use them alive with their colors intact.

How Can I Use Corals In Minecraft?

Corals are not an essential item to use in the game. Or, there’s nothing to make and build with corals. However, you can use them for decorative purposes.

Furthermore, they also have other miscellaneous purposes such as when you put a coral below a note block, they will produce a drum sound (which is very funny to see). 

Is It Possible To Grow Coral In Minecraft?

Yes, you can definitely grow coral in Minecraft. But, it’s a very risky and difficult job. To be more specific, if you want to grow corals, you’ll need to find Bone Meal and use it in the water of the warm ocean biomes. 

And, after doing that, you’ll also have to wait a few days in the game to see if the coral is growing or not.

Remember, being successful in growing corals is always dependent on luck. So, there’s no guarantee that you’ll succeed in growing coral every time you try to do so. 

Is It Possible To Make a Coral Reef In Minecraft?

No, it is most probably not possible. It’s because coral reefs are surrounded by a constant flow of warm saltwater. And, it is nearly impossible to artificially make such an environment for the coral reef to survive unless it naturally occurs. 

Moreover, you need to have sunlight reaching the corals while they are underwater. That means they have to be kept in shallow water as well. Also, the water needs to be somewhat transparent because the corals cannot grow very well in opaque water (the sunlight can’t penetrate through opaque water).

However, although we have said in the above discussion that it’s nearly impossible to make a coral reef in the Minecraft game, it does not hurt to try to do so right? So, go ahead and try making a coral reef yourself.

How To Find Coral Reef In Minecraft Bedrock?

In the bedrock edition of the Minecraft game, you’ll be able to find coral reefs if you look in the warm ocean biome. Remember, coral reefs have a slightly different color than the water bodies surrounding them. More specifically, you should see its light green and bluish aquamarine structure underwater when you’re flying around.

And, when you spot such a structure in the warm ocean, you can be 100% certain that that’s a coral reef structure. However, if you don’t have an option to fly, you can use a boat to roam around the ocean to find coral reefs.

How To Find Coral Reef In Minecraft Command?

The command for finding a coral reef in the Minecraft game is as below:

In order to teleport to a coral reef structure in the Minecraft game, you’ll have to use the teleport command so you can directly teleport to the coral reef. 

In order to do that, you have to press the F3, Fn, and F3 buttons all at once (for PC). Or, if you are using a Mac, you can press the Alt, Fn, and F3 buttons all at once.

Then, you’ll have to type in a command in the following format: 

  1. Press the “/” key on your keyboard, so that the command console opens.
  2. Then you can try a command such as:

teleport username X Y Z

Remember, here the “username” will have to be replaced by your own username. And, the “X”, “Y”, and “Z” letters will have to be replaced by the X coordinate, the Y coordinate, and the Z coordinate of the coral reef structure.

For example, you can type:

teleport boss123 5 78 -65″

Now, let’s go over the coral reef structure Coordinates in the Minecraft game:

  • Coral reef in shipwreck region: 411 57 -171
  • Coral reef in shipwreck origin number two: 35 53 -208
  • Going to leave in the desert village region: 71 64 854
  • Coral reef in the village region: 286 64 -915
  • Coral reef in the swamp biome region: -953 65 -492
  • Correlative in the shipwreck region number 3: -444 65 369
  • Coral reef in the village region number 2: -869 63 800

How To Find A Coral Reef In Minecraft PE?

The location of coral reefs in Minecraft PE is the same as in other versions of Minecraft (as we have already mentioned above). All you have to do is scour through the warm ocean biomes and avoid looking in the deep oceans. This way, it won’t take much longer for you to find a coral reef in the Minecraft Pocket Edition.

How To Find Coral Reef In Minecraft For Xbox?

If you want to find coral reefs in the Xbox edition of the Minecraft game, you will have to make a boat and explore through the warm ocean biome. As we have already mentioned in the above discussion, the coral reef will bear a light blue and greenish color.

Also, remember that coral reefs only spawn in shallow waters where the sunlight can reach. And, coral reefs are surrounded by large chunks of lukewarm water as well. So, if you want to find coral reefs really fast, keep these characteristics in mind and set out to look for the coral reef structure in your Xbox Minecraft game.

How To Find A Coral Reef In Minecraft Java?

Coral reefs are spawned in shallow waters in the warm ocean biome. So, if you can make a boat and explore through the warm ocean biomes, you will be able to find the coral reef in a short amount of time.  

Also, if you can be clever enough to obtain the elytra wings (the Elytra wings) in the Minecraft game, you should have no problem flying around and covering a larger ground in a small amount of time. That way, you can find the coral reef structure in Minecraft Java at a faster rate.

How To Find Coral Reef In Minecraft Mac?

The default way of finding coral reefs in the Minecraft mag edition is to look in the warm ocean biome for the coral reef structures. As I have mentioned many times in the above discussion, coral reefs will have a light blueish and greenish color which will be very distinct from the surrounding water body.

So, if you can keep these distinct traits of coral reefs in mind and keep looking for a long time, you won’t have any problem finding the coral reef structure in the Minecraft map edition.

However, you can also directly spawn into the coral reef structure if you know the coordinates of the coral reefs. 

In order to do that, you have to press the Alt,Fn,F3 buttons in your Mac all at once. Then, you’ll have to press the “/” button in your keyboard and type a command such as below:

“teleport username X Y Z”

In this command, The “username” will have to be replaced by your own username and the XYZ letters will have to be replaced by the X coordinate, Y coordinate, and Z coordinate of the coral reef.

How To Find Coral Reef In Minecraft Switch?

In the Minecraft switch edition, finding the coral reef structure can be done the same way as finding the coral reef structure in the Minecraft Java or PE edition. All you have to do is look in the warm water biome for a shallow watery region where there’s some sort of light blueish and greenish structure.

Once you can locate this shallow structure underwater of this characteristic, consider yourself lucky because you have just found the coral reef in the Minecraft switch edition.


The bottom line in this discussion is that corals are rare to find in the Minecraft game. However, if you are able to look for them in the right way, you will easily be able to find coral reefs in the warm ocean biomes.

But, now that we have already mentioned all the techniques for finding the coral reef here, you will have no problem finding it anymore. So, go ahead and use our techniques to find coral reefs in your Minecraft world. And, don’t forget to tell a friend as well!!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I keep the coral reef alive in Minecraft?

The first and foremost requirement for any coral reefs to stay alive in the Minecraft world is the presence of warm ocean water and sunlight. That means you have to keep your coral reefs underwater in a transparent watery religion (it’s because opaque water does not permit the sunlight to reach the coral reef).

Can I get coral reefs extracted without Silk Touch?

No, if you want to acquire coral reef blocks or coral fans with their native colors unharmed, you must enhance your pickaxe with Silk Touch. And, without Silk Touch, it’s impossible to extract coral reefs. 

If you try to extract coral reef blocks without enhancing your pickaxe with a Silk touch, you will only end up having a dead coral reef with a dull gray color.

Is it possible to grow coral in a fish tank in Minecraft?

Yes, you may be able to grow corals in a fish tank if it’s large enough to have ample space for growth. Also, the coral must be able to receive sunlight through the water. That means the water will also have to be very transparent as well. On top of that, if you want your corals to grow fast, you have to fill the fish tank with warm ocean water.

Is it possible to revive the dead coral in the Minecraft game?

No, once a coral is dead, it is not possible to revive it back. However, if you have ample knowledge of why a coral dies, you might be able to prevent its death before it dies.

Namely, if a coral is out of the water for a long time, it will die. Also, if the coral is put in cold water, it will die very quickly as well.

Is it possible to keep corals as pets?

Yes, it is definitely possible to keep corals as your pets. But, in order to do that, you’ll have to build a saltwater tank that will contain warm water from the ocean. Also, you have to make sure that the saltwater tank is exposed to sunlight.

On top of that, once you put the corals in the saltwater tank, you have to make sure that they are never pulled out of there (because corals promptly die when they are out of the water).


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