How to cook Woolworths cocktail frankfurts

For a brief moment, tonight, I thought about calling this blog post “Little Boys”, but then I very quickly realised in this day and age that probably wasn’t such a good thing to do. The truth is, in my family at least, and probably in lots of other Australian families, “cocktail frankfurts” have been fairly regularly referred to as “Little Boys”. I don’t think I need to explain the reason why.

Cocktail frankfurts are the shorter version of a saveloy. At this stage, I should point out the phrase, “fair suck of the saveloy” is also a commonly used phrase in Australia. Even our former Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd was known to use the phrase. We’re are truly an odd country, aren’t we?

Saveloys can turn up in many different incarnations including as “hot dogs”, “dagwood dogs” and “pluto pups”. In America, they’re probably deep fried, also. All of the above are “cooked versions” of the saveloy which, for as long as I’ve known, can also be consumed “raw”. Or at least that’s what I thought until I went to the supermarket earlier today.

How to cook Woolworths cocktail frankfurts
Cocktail Frankfurts

Yes, this morning when I went to the supermarket and ordered “half a kilo of cocktail frankfurts”, I looked down at the delicatessen shelf and noticed, for the very first time, a sign for both cocktail frankfurts and saveloys saying “these must be cooked before consumption”. I was a little surprised by the sign as I’ve been consuming both saveloys and cocktail frankfurts in the raw form for most of my life. I’ve eaten them cooked as well, but I was never aware they “needed” to be cooked until today.

So of course, I went online and asked the question, “do cocktail frankfurts need to be cooked?” As I discovered, there’s a variety of opinions…

There is no need to cook cocktail franks and they are just like most cold meats in that they are ready to eat as is. However, with franks it is preferable to eat them heated, so a short dip in some hot ,but not boiling water for about 2 mins would work well.

Used to eat them raw all the time. But they taste better heated with some nice rich tomato sauce.

Cheerios (I live in QLD :)) can be eaten raw with no (apparent) health concerns… Used to eat a dozen raw at a time when I was a little kid.

They do taste ALOT better cooked for just a couple of mins in boiling water though.

Cheerios (QLD) can be eaten cold (usually eaten as finger food at parties). Frankfurts (the longer ones, usually used in hot dogs) should be cooked.

So there you go… the consensus is they taste better when they’re cooked, but they’re okay to eat raw (as I have done for forty-something years).


I am referring to the type sold loosely in Coles/Safeway/Woolworths deli section along with ham, salami and the like.
Googling shows this question is asked by others but I see no definitive answer.

I used to like Fritz but it is not sold hereabouts. Fritz was meant to be eaten without further cooking. Are cocktail franks the same?

You mean, the things that are called different things in different States?

Up here in Qld, they're cheerios, and they should be cooked – but not for long, otherwise they look repulsive!

karen000 writes...

Are cocktail franks the same?

Hi Karen.

There is no need to cook cocktail franks and they are just like most cold meats in that they are ready to eat as is.However, with franks it is preferable to eat them heated, so a short dip in some hot ,but not boiling water for about 2 mins would work well.

You can also heat them in the microwave, but make sure not to heat them on a high setting or they will split and also become very "chewy".

Depending on the power of your microwave and the quantity you wish to heat, about 2 mins on medium would be OK if they are not frozen.
This is assuming a 1000 watt oven and heating approximately 1 dinner plate full of franks.

Good luck with it.


With all the strange ingredients the makers like to put in I would certainly be heating them to about boiling temp to make sure any nasty bacteria is dead.

But yes I remember when I was very young the butcher would give me a little one to gnaw on whilst my parents were buying things. Ah fond memories


Jeffness writes...

But yes I remember when I was very young the butcher would give me a little one to gnaw on whilst my parents were buying things. Ah fond memories

Me too, except it was a hunk of Fritz for me. For those that don't know, Fritz looks like a gigantic frankfurt and is never cooked but could be sliced and fried.

Thanks for the replies people. I like the cold taste and miss my Fritz. So if I am dead tomorrow after eating the cocktail franks you know why.

karen000 writes...

For those that don't know, Fritz looks like a gigantic frankfurt and is never cooked but could be sliced and fried.

My wife is from NSW and calls it "Devon". How strange.

Mmm cocktail frankfurts... Yum.

CronoS writes...

My wife is from NSW and calls it "Devon". How strange.

Oh no not this again
WA – Polony, QLD – Luncheon, SA – Fritz, Tas – Belgium, VIC – Devon

But what the OP is talking about is those sausages in a red coloured casing, usually used in hot dogs at the footy and such.

skylar writes...

usually used in hot dogs at the footy and such.

IMO cocktail frankfurts are shorter versions...

Jeffness writes...

But yes I remember when I was very young the butcher would give me a little one to gnaw on whilst my parents were buying things. Ah fond memories

Our local butcher sometimes does this too, for my kids.

Daft Punk writes...

IMO cocktail frankfurts are shorter versions...

yeah sorry, mean to say the cocktail franks are the shorter versions.

at least people don't call them 'little boys' any more. That was just wrong.

They're already cooked but taste much better after heating them. Don't heat them for too long.

badchap writes...

Our local butcher sometimes does this too, for my kids.

Me and my brother used to get given one each when we were youngsters at the butchers as well :P

You dont get that kind of personal service at the meat section at woolies.

Jeffness writes...

With all the strange ingredients the makers like to put in I would certainly be heating them to about boiling temp to make sure any nasty bacteria is dead.

It's not so much bacteria you have to worry about – it's the lack of any actual substance. Those things are all fillers and thickeners and flavours and not a whole lot of actual meat.

Cocktail frankfurts are ordinarily served hot with tomato sauce. I've eaten them raw and haven't died. :)

They should be stored in the bin. And they should be called frankensausages. Go to your local butcher and buy the real stuff.

Used to eat them raw all the time. But they taste better heated with some nice rich tomato sauce.

raw for sure! love to freak out people eating cheerio's or their bigger cousins raw... but hot with a lot of dead-horse never goes astray :)

skylar writes...

Oh no not this again

WA – Polony, QLD – Luncheon, SA – Fritz, Tas – Belgium, VIC – Devon

Actually I think it's

WA – PolonyQLD – Windsor or LuncheonNSW – DevonVIC – LuncheonSA/NT – Fritz

TAS – ? Belgium I guess

USA – Baloney!

Wampus! writes...

TAS – ? Belgium I guess

Usually called 'Devon' here in Tas, though my girlfriend refers to it as 'That horrible dogmeat stuff, ugh".

Great stuff, full of whatever they scraped off the abbatoir floor. Also good sliced and fried, with mustard/tom sauce, some grilled plastic cheese, between some toast.

Damn, now I be hungry....

I call them 'little boys'.

Tone. writes...

at least people don't call them 'little boys' any more. That was just wrong.

lol, I still call them that at times.

I went to dinner at a friends place and the theme was to bring something starting with the letter "L". I bought the little boys along with mustard and tomato sauce.

The reason I did this is because I didn't have any good "Left-overs" in the fridge :)

This is OT, but hardly worth opening a thread for -
Do bacon rashers need to be cooked before eating? I believe they are cured?

Phonenumbers writes...

Do bacon rashers need to be cooked before eating? I believe they are cured?

They are cured so they do not need to be cooked, but most of the time it is recommended on the packaging. I have eaten raw bacon so many times and it is never a problem.

Yeah I used to always eat a chunk while cooking, til someone told me it was a really bad idea. It does say on the packaging to cook thoroughly before consumption.

/Now I'm paranoid and always cook it, even if I survived 20 years of eating it uncooked.

//Especially paranoid after buying some kransky's from Woolies that turned out to be mouldy. The one time I cbf going to the butchers and I get pwned.

Wampus! writes...

Actually I think it's

WA – Polony
QLD – Windsor or Luncheon
NSW – Devon
VIC – Luncheon
SA/NT – Fritz
TAS – ? Belgium I guess

USA – Baloney!

Isnt it easier to call it by the ingredients ... lips, snouts and arseholes ?

Dabloodymess writes...

You dont get that kind of personal service at the meat section at woolies.

You do actually. Happens a lot when I'm shopping with my 3 year old, Coles as well as Woolies offer a piece of fritz.

I still ask from time to time, depends on who is working behind the counter. But I've often asked, oh what does that taste like? And they give you a slice of meat from the deli.

Dabloodymess writes...

You dont get that kind of personal service at the meat section at woolies.

ive seen the girls behind the deli counter give kids cheerios/cocktail does happen but i suppose you just have to be there at the right time not like at a butcher where we are all in their shop to buy some kind of meat so they only have meat on their minds and hand out a sample to the kids.

Tone. writes...

at least people don't call them 'little boys' any more.

I think I heard that on Kath & Kim. Is it a Melbourne thing?

Monstie writes...

Isnt it easier to call it by the ingredients ... lips, snouts and arseholes ?

Augh.... polony is something I never eat. When I was growing up we were never fed that stuff. I am German and was brought up on real stuff like pate, salami, coppa, beef brawn, etc. A lot nicer than "mechanically reclaimed meat".

I think I've had something called a 'corn dog' before and it seems a similar product but which required pre-heating. Cocktail franks are an enigma. The skins, unlike sausages which use intestinal lining, are made from cellulose IIRC. The 'meat' part I swear tastes like potato/corn starch + MSG. They are usually machine wrapped so tightly that microwaving them for longer than 60secs will make the innards burst out of their skins. The thin salami sticks from the deli are much better even though they sometimes remind me of dog chews.

MisterEd writes...

I am German and was brought up on real stuff like pate, salami, coppa, beef brawn, etc.

Yes, the Germans know how to make the best wurst, etc. Now say best wurst out aloud.

Seriously though, aftermarket meat in Australia is crap, but still strangely delicious in moderation.

PooshWaltzer writes...

something called a 'corn dog'

A corn dog is a US delicacy, starts off as polony/frankfurter/fritz/whatever on a stick.Then its covered in a batter full of high-fructose corn syrup and deep-fried."Heart-attack on a stick", they say.

The only place you find more disgustingly unhealthy food than the US is in Scotland.

Mike writes...

A corn dog is a US delicacy, starts off as polony/frankfurter/fritz/whatever on a stick.

Then its covered in a batter full of high-fructose corn syrup and deep-fried.

"Heart-attack on a stick", they say.

The only place you find more disgustingly unhealthy food than the US is in Scotland.

I know that here in QLD at our local Ekka and regional shows(similar to Sydneys Royal Easter Show) they sell "Dagwood Dogs". Are they the same thing. They are a sausage type deal dipped in batter and fried.

I think that they have to be "cooked", but they only need to be dipped into hot water for a bit and they're cooked. Just thought it would be a good idea to wash out the excess oil and colour.

your better of heating them up.

2fast4u writes...

I know that here in QLD at our local Ekka and regional shows(similar to Sydneys Royal Easter Show) they sell "Dagwood Dogs". Are they the same thing.

They're Dippy Dogs in SA IIRC. The wife calls them Dagwood Dogs and she's from NSW.

karen000 writes...



Big yellow sign on the item saying 'This item requires cooking prior to serving'.

They harden up and and are nice the next day, texture goes a bit pasty though.

CronoS writes...

They're Dippy Dogs in SA IIRC. The wife calls them Dagwood Dogs and she's from NSW.

They are also known as Pluto Pups.

cabletee writes...

They are also known as Pluto Pups

Your right, was just about to say that.

Weird names they have for this thing.

I'd prefer to microwave them because it's easier. Although I guess if I could be bothered I'd heat them in a pot with hot water.

MisterEd writes...

I am German and was brought up on real stuff like pate, salami, coppa, beef brawn, etc. A lot nicer than "mechanically reclaimed meat".

Yeah, like fleischwurst, fleischkase, berliner, kransky, weiswurst etc etc etc...lovely fresh pure meats...lmao

Well if they do.. i'm gunna chase my butcher from when I was a young tike.

I thought he'd give me freebies cos I was a kid!


Edgy.B. writes...

Yeah, like fleischwurst, fleischkase, berliner, kransky, weiswurst etc etc etc...lovely fresh pure meats...lmao

There would be more meat in those sorts of things than in polony, that is for sure.

Especially if you buy them from the proper places. Here in Perth we have Elmar's which is the best German butcher in town.

Hey, here's another idea.

Buy some Krispy Kremes and insert each cocktail frankfurt into them. It's delicious and you have your main meal and dessert all in one!

2010dave writes...

Buy some Krispy Kremes and insert each cocktail frankfurt into them. It's delicious and you have your main meal and dessert all in one!

Mmmm sausage bun...

Yuo can get Aldinga Turkey Fritz in SA

Cheerios (I live in QLD :)) can be eaten raw with no (apparent) health concerns... Used to eat a dozen raw at a time when I was a little kid.

They do taste ALOT better cooked for just a couple of mins in boiling water though. Probably just as unhealthy as eating them raw (never know what the hell they put in those things). Boiling them does take out a bit of greasy fat though... I remember boiling them back when I used to eat them and after 5 mins or so the previously clean water would be yellow and there would be a thick layer of oil floating on the top... Never stopped me eating those things though :D

A bit OT maybe but speaking of sausages and such – for anyone that lives in Brisbane – check out the german sausage places in the west end markets or the big one on Wednesday markets just outside the treasury casino in the City. My ex gf's business – One thing is for sure – NOONE makes sausages like ze germanz. VERY tasty :D Alot healthier than cheerios as well lol.

Cheerios (QLD) can be eaten cold (usually eaten as finger food at parties). Frankfurts (the longer ones, usually used in hot dogs) should be cooked.

2fast4u writes...

I know that here in QLD at our local Ekka and regional shows(similar to Sydneys Royal Easter Show) they sell "Dagwood Dogs". Are they the same thing.

Yes, they're those deep-fried things Mike was talking about.

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