How long to leave fruit in infused water

Fruit-infused water, a refreshing and delicious way of staying hydrated. It’s easy to prepare and ready in 5 minutes with 4 ingredients!

Fruit-infused water is a great option if you want to increase your water intake. Sometimes, drinking plain water can be a little hard, so I like to add some fruits to give it some flavor and so it’s easier for me to stay hydrated while enjoying a delicious beverage.

This drink is actually so healthy, as it’s made with only water and some fruits, so it’s the best substitute for soda or other artificially sweetened drinks, such as store-bought juice.

Besides, it’s a super refreshing drink and it feels so good when you drink it on a hot summer day. I like to add some ice cubes to it to make it even more refreshing and it’s perfect to serve when you have guests!

Fruit-infused water, a delicious and healthy drink made with only 4 easy-to-find ingredients in just 5 minutes. You can use the leftover fruits to prepare other recipes like smoothies!

  • Place the sliced fruits and the mint leaves in a glass jar (photo 1).
  • Pour the water (photo 2) and refrigerate for at least 1 or 2 hours or overnight.
  • Drink your fruit-infused water cold.
  • Feel free to customize this fruit-infused water recipe with any fruits you have on hand, such as lemon, lime (or another citrus), blueberry, raspberry, pineapple, apple, or even grapefruit. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different ingredients!
  • You can either use tap water or filtered water.
  • Although I prefer to use fresh fruits on a daily basis, frozen fruit will also work great, especially during summer, as it will make your water even more refreshing.
  • Add some ice cubes if you want to enjoy your water immediately.
  • You could also add other spices like cinnamon sticks or ginger, herbs like rosemary, lavender, basil or cilantro, or even vegetables like cucumber.
  • If you can, I suggest you use organic fruit so it is free from pesticides and chemicals.

This fruit-infused water recipe is simply a wonderful and colorful way of staying hydrated, especially in summer. If you also eat the fruits, it’ll become a high-in-fiber and nourishing vegan drink!

You can drink fruit-infused water just like regular water, with your meals, or while doing sport. To do so, just grab your infusion water bottle and go!

It’s a great substitute for soda or artificially sweetened fruit juices because it’s totally sugar-free and super healthy.

How long does fruit-infused water last?

It’s important to keep it in a sealed jar or an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 or 2 days. That way the water will maintain its fruity flavor and it will keep its properties.

What to do with the fruit-infused water’s leftover fruit

You can use it to prepare plenty of different recipes! Feel free to add it to your vegan oatmeal or even prepare some smoothies with it. Another option is to blend and use it as a natural sweetener on recipes like vegan brownies or anything you can think of!

Looking for more vegan drinks?

  • White Sangria
  • Vegan Milkshake
  • Banana Milk
  • Sangria
  • Watermelon Smoothie

Did you make this fruit-infused water recipe?

Please leave a comment below, share it, or rate it. You can also FOLLOW ME on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and PINTEREST. I’d love to see what you cook!




  1. Place the sliced fruits and the mint leaves in a glass jar.
  2. Pour the water and refrigerate for at least 1 or 2 hours or overnight. The longer it sits, the more flavorful the water will be.
  3. Add the leftover fruit to recipes like vegan oatmeal, smoothies, or use it as a natural sweetener on desserts like vegan brownies.
  4. Keep it in a sealed mason jar or an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 or 2 days.


  • Feel free to customize this fruit-infused water recipe with any fruits you have on hand, such as lemon, lime (or another citrus), blueberry, raspberry, pineapple, apple, or even grapefruit. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different ingredients!
  • You can either use tap water or filtered water.
  • Although I prefer to use fresh fruits on a daily basis, frozen fruit will also work great, especially during summer, as it will make your water even more refreshing.
  • Add some ice cubes if you want to enjoy your water immediately.
  • You could also add other spices like cinnamon sticks or ginger, herbs like rosemary, lavender, basil or cilantro, or even vegetables like cucumber.
  • If you can, I suggest you use organic fruit so it is free from pesticides and chemicals.
  • Nutritional information: this recipe contains little or no calories. The water may contain some of the water-soluble vitamins of the fruit.


  • Serving Size: 1 cup (250 ml)
  • Calories: 0

Update Notes: This post was originally published in April of 2015, but was republished with new photos, step-by-step instructions, and tips in February of 2022.


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