Dog breathing sounds raspy when sleeping

Sometimes fluid or mucus in the airways may cause a roughness to the breath sounds. These can be caused by heart disease or infections such as pneumonia. The take home message here is that rough or “raspy” breath sounds are a symptom that we take very seriously.

What are the signs of respiratory distress in a dog?


  • Rapid breathing or continuous panting.
  • Long drawn out breathing.
  • Being unable to settle and distress.
  • Standing with elbows pointed outwards and the neck extended.
  • Exaggerated or abnormal movement of the chest/abdomen while breathing.
  • Blue gums.
  • Collapse.
  • Open mouth breathing (in cats)

What does it mean when your dog sounds congested?

In some cases, respiratory congestion may itself be a symptom of heart failure. Health conditions like a nasal tumor, pneumonia, and fungal infections can also cause a fullness of the lungs.

What can I give my dog for breathing problems?

Dogs with severe difficulty breathing difficulties may require supplemental oxygen, which will involve a stay at a veterinary hospital. Medication to help your dog breathe (e.g., bronchodilators, steroidal anti-inflammatories) may be given. Heart medications may be needed if your dog has a heart condition.

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Why is my dog breathing heavy while lying down?

If you notice that your dog is breathing fast while at rest, or breathing fast while sleeping, they could be experiencing respiratory distress. Contact your vet if you notice any of the following signs: Noticeably labored breathing (engaging stomach muscles to help breathe)

What can I do if my dog sounds congested?

How to React if Your Doggo is Congested

  1. Consult your vet for treatment with diet and exercise changes.
  2. Consider hawthorn and dandelion as options for your dog’s congestion.
  3. If advised by dog-tor, give your dog an appropriate antihistamine.
  4. Call the vet for advice on treatment.


Why does my dog sound like she has mucus?

Lung Problems

A wet, phlegmy “moist” cough could be a symptom of lower airway or lung (pulmonary) problem. Those wet, gargling sounds indicate that there may be fluid in your dog’s lungs. Unlike with other coughs, the breathing will be labored even when the dog is not coughing.

How do you decongest a dog?

Steam up the bathroom by running a hot shower with the door closed for a few minutes. Then, join your pup in the bathroom for a 10-15 steam break. Or, just bring them into the bathroom with you when you shower. You can also use a humidifier to create steam near your dog’s favorite snoozing spot.

What home remedies can I give my dog to breathe better?

Run a humidifier: A humidifier will loosen and eventually reduce the amount of mucous in your dog’s lungs. A cold-moisture humidifier works best to add moisture to the air in your house. Consider adding a few drops of lavender or eucalyptus oil to the humidifier to make it easier for your dog to breathe indoors.

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Will Benadryl help my dogs breathing?

Benadryl is only for mild-to-moderate reactions. If your pet is having an acute allergic reaction with facial swelling or difficulty breathing, go straight to the vet. If your dog has glaucoma, high blood pressure, seizures or epilepsy, or cardiovascular disease, don’t give him Benadryl.

Coupage is a technique that can be performed by veterinary staff and pet owners to help clear secretions from the lungs. Coupage is performed by striking the chest gently but firmly with cupped hands.

When should I worry about dog panting?

Remember, panting is normal for a dog after exercise, excitement, or when it’s hot. Call your vet immediately if any of the following applies: Your dog’s panting starts suddenly. You think your dog may be in pain.

Is panting a sign of heart failure in dogs?

Coughing when at rest or sleeping, excessive panting, persistent loss of appetite, a swollen belly, and pale or bluish gums are also signs associated with heart failure. The dog will develop generalized weight loss and muscle wasting due to the effects of CHF on other body systems.

What are signs of your dog dying?

  • Loss of Interest. As a dog draws closer to death, they may begin to lose interest in things and people around them. …
  • Extreme Fatigue or Loss of Energy. One of the most common signs that a dog may be dying is a severe loss of energy. …
  • Loss of Bladder and Bowel Control. …
  • Appetite Change or Loss of Appetite. …
  • Odd Breathing.

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Dog breathing sounds raspy when sleeping
Tanner had a successful surgery at OSU in February to correct his laryngeal paralysis.

Last fall, Dr. Steve Sundholm noticed that his typically active Vizsla (a Hungarian pointer), Tanner, was making strange grunting sounds. He ran a little slower and seemed more tired out when he played.

This was a big change for Tanner, a champion show dog who has earned the AKC Master Hunter title.

Sundholm, an equine veterinarian at Equus Veterinary Service in Oregon City, recognized his 12-year-old dog's symptoms were likely not caused by old age.

Tanner suffered from laryngeal paralysis, a fairly common condition that typically strikes older and larger breeds. After undergoing a specialized surgery at Oregon State University, he is back to his playful, active self.


Laryngeal paralysis occurs when a dog’s recurrent laryngeal nerve stops working properly. The nerve connects to a muscle responsible for pulling the dog’s aretynoid cartilages open each time it takes a breath.

If the nerve doesn’t work right, the muscles won’t pull the cartilages open, and they don’t move out of the way when the dog breathes.

Dr. Milan Milovancev, assistant professor of small-animal surgery at OSU's College of Veterinary Medicine, uses a 'curtain' analogy in order to explain to owners what's happening

“If things are working the right way, every time you breathe in, those curtains pull open,” says Milovancev, who is leading a clinical trial on dogs with laryngeal paralysis. “But when they’re not working right, those curtains are not being pulled open; they’re just flopping in the breeze.”

Laryngeal paralysis tends to most commonly affect older and larger dogs (weighing more than 40 pounds), but it can affect smaller and younger dogs as well.

The condition may also be caused by direct trauma to the laryngeal nerve or surrounding muscle.

It's unlikely to be caused by pulling tightly on a dog's leash, but bite wounds to the neck, lacerations, gunshot wounds or even surgery can potentially damage the nerve, says Dr. Roberto Novo of Columbia River Veterinary Specialists in Vancouver.

Symptoms can be very subtle and can begin with a change in your dog’s voice. Some owners don’t even notice until the dog goes into respiratory distress.

“It’s just a deep breathing noise that you can hear, kind of a rattling,” says Vicki Potts, whose black Labrador Joey suffered from the condition.

Potts had never heard of laryngeal paralysis prior to Joey’s illness.

Now the owner of Natural Pet NW in Vancouver and Natural Pet Hawaii can recognize that familiar rattling sound whenever a dog with "Larpar" enters her shop.

Joey (who has since passed away from unrelated causes) had the surgery and recovered well. His breathing quieted down so much that Potts occasionally put her hand on him to make sure he was still breathing.

“It did change his bark,” she says.

Joey’s deep, roaring bark became more like a squeak. But that was a small price to pay for having a dog that can breathe normally, she says.

Dogs with laryngeal paralysis are at risk for potentially life-threatening situations when their breathing changes, which tends to happen when they’re panting or excited.

That can start a vicious cycle, says Novo, a board-certified surgeon who has treated 35 patients for the condition in the past two years.

When they can’t breathe well, the cartilages begin to close, restricting air flow. That makes them panic, and they try to breathe harder.

“It’s a matter of suffocating to death,” Novo says. “When you think of it that, that’s a pretty gruesome way to go.”

While there’s no cure, the most effective way to treat it is through what’s called a “tie-back surgery.”

Returning to Milovancev’s curtain analogy, the surgery involves “tying back” one side of cartilage, keeping it open to ensure the dog gets sufficient oxygen to breathe.

Surgeons don’t tie back both sides because that can increase the risk of complications after surgery, he says.

Pet owners who opt to have the surgery done at OSU's College of Veterinary Medicine can participate in an ongoing clinical trial. The trial is a blinded study in which some of the canine participants will receive a commonly prescribed anti-nausea drug called metoclopramide.

The surgery is successful without complication more than 80 percent of the time, Milovancev says. The most serious complication from the surgery is a condition called aspiration pneumonia, an infection of the lungs and airways to the lungs.

The condition occurs when the foreign matters, such as food, regurgitated stomach contents or other liquids, are breathed into the lungs.

Dogs with laryngeal paralysis are already at risk of developing aspiration pneumonia, because the esophageal nerves may also be affected; undergoing anesthesia can increase the risk.

Milovancev and his colleagues hope that metoclopramide will prevent the dog’s chances of developing aspiration pneumonia by decreasing the possibility for reflux to occur.

Both surgeons and pet owners report the drastic changes that can result from the surgery, repairing a dog’s ability to breathe normally and get sufficient oxygen.

Take Blazer, a 12-year-old Golden retriever who would wake up in the middle of the night, panting heavily.

“Over the last few months, it got very loud and exaggerated when he was panting, almost like a roaring sound,” says owner Susan Stelzer of The Dalles.

The sound would get worse when Blazer exercised or became anxious.

His veterinarian referred her to Novo, who performed the tie-back surgery on Blazer about three weeks ago.

Blazer breathes quietly again and sleeps through the night. Now, Stelzer jokes, “he acts like an 11-year-old.”

To enroll in the clinical trial:

Enrollment in a clinical trial for dogs with laryngeal paralysis will be ongoing for the next two years at Oregon State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine.

Dog owners will receive a 20 percent discount for participating in the study. The cost with the discount ranges from $1,500 to $2,000, depending on how much pre-op work is done prior to surgery.

The clinic does accept pet insurance, but owners should verify ahead of time whether their insurance will cover the surgery. To schedule an appointment, call 541-737-4812 and ask to schedule with the Soft Tissue Surgery Service.

For more information about Laryngeal Paralysis and to find a local surgeon, visit

Symptoms of Laryngeal Paralysis:

  • A change in your dog’s voice, such as a hoarse, deep or raspy-sounding bark, or a rattling sound when he breathes
  • Panting in unusual situations, such as when it’s not hot outside.
  • Tiring easily, even during less exerting activities such as walking
  • A “smiling” expression, usually indicated by the dog pulling the lips back and hanging his tongue out


If your dog has been diagnosed with laryngeal paralysis:

  • Minimize the potential for going into respiratory distress.
  • Never leave your dog in the car if it’s warm outside, not even for a few minutes. It’s not only the heat that presents a risk, but his potential to bark at outside stimuli.
  • Consider calming medication, such as trazodone.
  • If they’ve had the surgery done, don’t take them swimming in rough waters to avoid swallowing too much water.