Do you need a prescription for salbutamol inhaler?

The two main types of asthma medicines are relievers and preventers. These are usually in inhalers or puffers. There is also a preventer which is a tablet, used by some people. Some other medicines (e.g. prednisone tablets) are only used for severe asthma flare-ups. There are many different medicines and brands for asthma in Australia. 

Relievers for adults and children

Everyone who has asthma needs a reliever (e.g. a ‘puffer’) to use when they have asthma symptoms.

In Australia, most relievers are available from pharmacies without a prescription. Relievers should only be used when you or your child has symptoms (or if your doctor tells you to take it before exercise) and should not be over-used.

In preschool children, wheezing may not be asthma. Wheezing does not need to be treated if your child is still happy and active while wheezing and does not seem to be having any problem breathing. If it is hard for your child to breathe while wheezing (i.e. if you can see the muscles of your child’s chest and neck working harder to suck in air with each breath), you must seek medical help immediately.


Adults and adolescents

Most adults with asthma need to take a low dose of an ‘inhaled corticosteroid’ preventer medicine every day, as well as taking their reliever when they have symptoms.

An inhaled corticosteroid medicine is usually prescribed for an adult who:

  • has had asthma symptoms twice or more in the past month, or
  • is sometimes woken by asthma symptoms, or
  • has had a flare-up severe enough to need an urgent visit to their GP or hospital emergency department within the previous 12 months.

Inhaled corticosteroids include several different medicines and brands. This type of preventer medicine reduces inflammation in the airways and reduces a person’s risk of a severe asthma flare-up. Most adults can achieve good control of asthma symptoms with a low dose.

Preventers sometimes include a second medicine as well as the inhaled corticosteroid. These are called ‘combination’ therapies.

If you have been prescribed a preventer, you should take it every day even when you have no symptoms and also during colds and asthma flare-ups.

Keep taking it unless your doctor decides it is safe to stop. You should not change the treatment without talking to your doctor, unless your asthma action plan tells you what to do.


Some children with asthma need to take regular preventer treatment every day, as well as taking their reliever when they have symptoms.

Children aged 6 years and over may need regular preventer treatment if they need to take their reliever more than twice a week. Also, if they have flare-ups more often than every six weeks. The best type of medicine depends on their symptoms and age. If your child has been prescribed a preventer, you should make sure they take it every day (even during colds and asthma flare-ups) and keep taking it unless your doctor decides it is safe to stop.

Most preschool children do not need preventer treatment. Your child may need preventer treatment if wheezing occurs often and it is hard work to breathe when wheezing (e.g. your child’s chest sucks in while breathing in), if wheezing is severe enough to interrupt eating, play, exercise or sleep, or if your child has been hospitalised because of breathing problems.

Parents should not change their child’s treatment without talking to their doctor.


All medicines have  possible  side-effects. Most asthma medicines have been taken over many years by a large number of children and adults around the world, so there is reliable information about possible side-effects.

Ask your doctor or pharmacist about possible side-effects and what you can do to avoid them.Preventers that contain inhaled corticosteroid medicines can cause hoarseness of the voice and thrush (a type of throat infection). The risk can be reduced by attaching a spacer to the puffer when taking the medicine, and by rinsing the mouth with water after using the medicine.More serious side effects can occur, but the risk is very small with normal (low) doses. The risk of serious side-effects is higher for people with severe asthma who need to take high doses for months or years.

Preventer tablets that contain montelukast may cause problems with mood and behaviour. In adults, this could include sleep problems, feeling agitated or feeling depressed. In extreme cases, adults taking montelukast feel suicidal, but this is rare. In children, side effects can include nightmares, sleep problems, feeling sad, irritability or tantrums.

Top results

Navigating treatment options for mild asthma includes practical considerations, shared decision-making and treatment guidelines.

Read more on NPS MedicineWise website

What is a spacer? A spacer is a holding chamber shaped like a football or tube. It makes it easier to take asthma or COPD medication from the type of puffer

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Salbutamol is an important medicine for the relief of respiratory symptoms associated with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other respiratory diseases. Salbutamol in the form of metered dose aerosols (puffers) or dry powders for inhalation is available from pharmacies in Australia with or without prescription. However, salbutamol cannot ordinarily be advertised to the public, even the products that can be purchased over-the-counter (OTC) from pharmacies without prescription.

Smoke and increased air pollution from bushfires, which are currently being experienced in many areas of Australia, can trigger respiratory symptoms. However, pharmacies in bushfire affected areas may experience irregular stock deliveries and people evacuated from their houses may have lost their salbutamol medication or prescription for salbutamol. In this difficult time, it is important that people can be alerted to the availability of OTC salbutamol.

Until 30 April 2020, the TGA has granted permission for pharmacies to advertise that:

  • people with asthma or COPD can obtain salbutamol puffers or dry powder inhalers from a particular pharmacy; and
  • people with asthma or COPD can obtain salbutamol puffers or dry powder inhalers from pharmacies with or without prescription if necessary.

The permission also extends to salbutamol advertising activities conducted or facilitated by evacuation centres and other places dealing with displaced people. It also permits advertising that reminds people with asthma or COPD to, in the event of an evacuation, remember to take the following with them:

  • any salbutamol medicines that they have, and
  • any scripts they have for salbutamol.

Pharmacies seeking to advertise the availability of OTC salbutamol from their business must ensure that they have adequate stocks before advertising, otherwise the advertising would be considered misleading and in breach of the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (Code). There are sanctions and penalties for advertising that does not comply with the Code. Online advertising in particular should be amended or removed quickly should stocks dwindle or become unavailable to avoid the advertising misleading.

Pharmacy staff responding directly to individual queries from patients about the availability of salbutamol or any other medicine is not considered to be advertising.

This permission expires on 30 April 2020, unless otherwise extended. Advertising salbutamol after this date may expose advertisers to sanctions and penalties.

Any queries on this permission can be directed to the TGA's online advertising inquiry form.

What this means for consumers

During this difficult bushfire situation, it is important that you can be alerted to the availability of OTC salbutamol. Salbutamol is marketed in Australia under the trade names:

  • Ventolin
  • Asmol, and
  • Airomir.

If you are running short on your salbutamol product, including metered dose aerosols (puffers) or dry powders for inhalation, your pharmacy may be promoting availability of this product so that you can restock as needed. If you usually get your salbutamol puffer or inhaler on prescription, but have lost it, talk to your pharmacist - you may be able to get one without a prescription.

If you have questions or concerns regarding your medicines, you should contact your doctor or a pharmacist in the first instance.


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