At what time after 6 o clock will the hands of the clock be together

By the time the minute hand has gone all the way round the clock and is back at 12, one hour later (i.e., at 1 o'clock), the hour hand has moved to 1. Five minutes later, the minute hand reaches 1, but they don't quite meet there because the hour hand would have moved 1/12 of the distance between 1 and 2, to indicate 5 minutes past 1. So the next time after 12 that the minute hand is directly over the hour hand is a bit after 1:05 (we'll calculate the exact time a bit later). 

Similarly, the next time it happens is a bit after 2:10. Then a bit after 3:15, and so on. 

Note that each time they meet, the number of minutes past the hour keeps increasing, so the hour hand would have moved closer to the next number. After 11 o'clock, the minute hand has to travel all the way and by the time they meet it is has to be 12 o'clock again, since we know what the clock looks like at that time. So the two hands overlap 11 times in a 12 hour period. So, in a 24 hour period, they would overlap 22 times.

To answer the second part of the question, let's try to figure out the little bit of extra time the minute hand needs to catch up to the hour hand after every 1:05 hours. Well, after 12 o'clock there are eleven occasions when the two hands match up, and since the clock hands move at constant speeds, those 11 events are spread equally apart around the clock face, so they are 1/11th of an hour apart. That's 5.454545 minutes apart. In other words they meet every after every 1 hour and 5.454545 minutes.

The precise times they overlap (in hours) would be 1 + 1/11, 2 + 2/11, 3+ 3/11, all the way up to 11 + 11/11, which is 12 o'clock again.

Q. An analog clock is showing 2 o'clock right now. At what time will the hour and minute hands overlap next?

Q. What is the angle between the hour and minute hands at 4:10?

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What time after 3 o'clock will the hands of the clock are together for the first time? : Let x = minute hand position when this occurs : Minutes hand; 60 min = 360 degrees Hour hand; 1 hr = 360/12 = 30 degrees : Min: x/60 * 360 = 6x Hr: x/60 * 30 = .5x : Since it's after 3, we have to add 3 * 30 = 90 degrees to the hr angle : hr hand position = .5x + 90 minute hand position = 6x : 6x = .5x + 90 6x-.5x = 90 5.5x = 90 x = 90/5.5

x = 16.36 min or 3 hr 16 min 22 sec

How soon after noon will the hands of the clock be together again?

I realize that the hands will be together after 12 hours, of course. But are they asking for a time sooner than midnight, when the hands overlap again?

how soon after noon will the hands of the clock be together again? after 12 hours ofcourse...

or are they askingfor when will the hands reach noon once again?

The hour hand will move 360º in 12 hours or .5º/min. The minute hand will move 360º in 60 min. or 6º/min. For the minute hand to catch up with the hour hand again, it will have to move 360º plus some interval from 12 past 1. The angle x through which the hour hand moves in this time period is .5N, where N is the total number of minutes from 12N to the time being sought. The angle 360 + x, through which the minute hand moves in this time period is 6N. Solving for N and equating, we get x/.5 = (360 + x)/6 or 5.5x = 180 from which x = 32.727272 degrees. Since the minutes hand moves 6º/min. or (1/6)min/deg, 32.727272deg = 32.727272(1/6) = 5.454545 min = 5 min.-27.27sec.

Thus, the hour and minute hands will again be coincident at 1:05:27.27 PM.

wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww that was a long procedure
i could of never gotten that answer in my whole life. thank you so very much

How soon after noon will the hands of the clock be together again?

Since the minute hand must make a full revolution every hour, and since the hour hand only moves 1/12 of the way around the face of the clock, then it is immediately obvious that the hands must overlap again sometime shortly after 1pm: The minute hand will start and end at "12", but the hour hand will move only from "1" to "2". A quick estimate in your head should indicate to you that the hands will overlap at between 1:05 and 1:10.



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