According to o*net, what are some common tasks performed by accountants? check all that apply.

  • Basic Skills

    Developed capacities that facilitate learning or the more rapid acquisition of knowledge

    • Content

      Background structures needed to work with and acquire more specific skills in a variety of different domains

    • Process

      Procedures that contribute to the more rapid acquisition of knowledge and skill across a variety of domains

  • Cross-Functional Skills

    Developed capacities that facilitate performance of activities that occur across jobs

    • Social Skills

      Developed capacities used to work with people to achieve goals

    • Complex Problem Solving Skills

      Developed capacities used to solve novel, ill-defined problems in complex, real-world settings

    • Technical Skills

      Developed capacities used to design, set-up, operate, and correct malfunctions involving application of machines or technological systems

    • Systems Skills

      Developed capacities used to understand, monitor, and improve socio-technical systems

    • Resource Management Skills

      Developed capacities used to allocate resources efficiently

  • Knowledge

    Organized sets of principles and facts applying in general domains

    • Business and Management

      Knowledge of principles and facts related to business administration and accounting, human and material resource management in organizations, sales and marketing, economics, and office information and organizing systems

    • Manufacturing and Production

      Knowledge of principles and facts related to the production, processing, storage, and distribution of manufactured and agricultural goods

    • Engineering and Technology

      Knowledge of the design, development, and application of technology for specific purposes.

    • Mathematics and Science

      Knowledge of the history, theories, methods, and applications of the physical, biological, social, mathematical, and geography

    • Health Services

      Knowledge of principles and facts regarding diagnosing, curing, and preventing disease, and improving and preserving physical and mental health and well-being

    • Education and Training

      Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the measurement of training effects.

    • Arts and Humanities

      Knowledge of facts and principles related to the branches of learning concerned with human thought, language, and the arts.

    • Law and Public Safety

      Knowledge of regulations and methods for maintaining people and property free from danger, injury, or damage; the rules of public conduct established and enforced by legislation, and the political process establishing such rules.

    • Communications

      Knowledge of the science and art of delivering information

    • Transportation

      Knowledge of principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, sea, or road, including the relative costs and benefits.

  • Education

    Prior educational experience required to perform in a job

    • Required Level of Education

      The level of education required to perform a job.

    • Job-Related Professional Certification

      Certification: A credential awarded by a certification body based on an individual demonstrating through an examination process that he or she has acquired the designated knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform a specific job.

    • Instructional Program Required

      The instructional program required for this job

    • Education Level in Specific Subjects

      The amount of education required in 15 subject areas to perform in a job. Subject areas cover most of the courses that occur in high school, junior college, college undergraduate degree programs, and other education and training programs

    • Electronic Mail — 94% responded “Every day.”

    • Indoors, Environmentally Controlled — 95% responded “Every day.”

    • Telephone — 86% responded “Every day.”

    • Importance of Being Exact or Accurate — 81% responded “Extremely important.”

    • Importance of Repeating Same Tasks — 68% responded “Extremely important.”

    • Face-to-Face Discussions — 67% responded “Every day.”

    • Contact With Others — 66% responded “Constant contact with others.”

    • Spend Time Sitting — 64% responded “Continually or almost continually.”

    • Spend Time Making Repetitive Motions — 64% responded “Continually or almost continually.”

    • Frequency of Decision Making — 60% responded “Every day.”

    • Work With Work Group or Team — 43% responded “Extremely important.”

    • Time Pressure — 43% responded “Once a week or more but not every day.”

    • Letters and Memos — 46% responded “Every day.”

    • Structured versus Unstructured Work — 35% responded “A lot of freedom.”

    • Freedom to Make Decisions — 34% responded “Limited freedom.”

    • Impact of Decisions on Co-workers or Company Results — 42% responded “Very important results.”

    • Deal With External Customers — 38% responded “Extremely important.”

    • Coordinate or Lead Others — 34% responded “Important.”

    • Sounds, Noise Levels Are Distracting or Uncomfortable — 30% responded “Every day.”

    • Frequency of Conflict Situations — 31% responded “Once a month or more but not every week.”

    Page 2

    The data in O*NET OnLine is regularly updated as part of an ongoing data collection program. For more information, visit the O*NET Resource Center.

    Abilities Analyst (2017) Alternate Titles Multiple sources (2022) Detailed Work Activities Analyst (2021) Education Incumbent (2017) Interests Analyst (2008) Job Zone Analyst (2017) Knowledge Incumbent (2017) Related Occupations Analyst (2022) Sample of Reported Titles Incumbent (2017) Skills Analyst (2017) Tasks Incumbent (2017) Technology Skills & Tools Multiple sources (2022) Work Activities Incumbent (2017) Work Context Incumbent (2017) Work Styles Incumbent (2017) Work Values Analyst (2008)


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